Aunty is Googlable!

One day last year, Aunty was at the kitchen sink and saw the Google Car drive by.  The Google Car!!  It was a beetle looking car with a huge camera on the roof and star-strucked Aunty bolted out of the house to see the rear end of the Google Car rushing away down the next block.

Hmmm, Aunty thought that it was going kinda fast to capture pictures, so for the next half hour, Aunty stayed out in the yard and driveway hoping that the Google Car would drive by again – and it did!!!

Of course it didn’t capture me ready to wave and/or make a pose, and, it was about a year ago that the Car went by so I forgot about it.  Then, just the other day, Daughter #2 calls all excited to let me know that Aunty had made it and was now “famous!” and on Google maps!

Such a thrill, such glory!  Definitely one of the highlights of Aunty’s life.  If you know Aunty’s home address and you search by Google, you will see Aunty watering her driveway.

Mahalo for visiting!!

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