Born in Honolulu, T.H. – that’s before Hawaii became an official State of the USA in 1959. I always thought of myself as young, hip, fast, and agile. That is, until I was catching the Bus one day, and a young man offered me an assist by saying, “You need help, Aunty?” Ever since that day, I entered the realm of an older generation.
Menopause was life changing and earth shattering. Poor Uncle. His once nice agreeable wife became a female bull on iron pills. Change and Charge! was the daily mantra. I’d like to think I’ve mellowed a bit since that period. I try to look before I charge now, and change if it will be of benefit to us.
As I aged, I felt more empowered, yet also less in control of our future. We have only so many days in our lives – each day that goes by is one day less that we have left to spend. I felt like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, hoping our financial future would be good enough, but knowing it would not be.
Although people like to bash Robert Kiyosaki, it really was a Rich Dad workshop presentation that gave me the impetus to get my head out of the sand and take control. I went on to read his first book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, played his CashFlow game, and then plunged.
It is a glorious ride – the plunge. The glory of it is that the plunge is not a downward dive, but rather a wonderful upward lift. Here is a great article about making your “bucket list” from a Rich Dad Education blog site.
The most important component in my life changing action was commitment. Without it, I would be wishy washy, doubt in my own truths, and fail. I now commit, take action, and adjust if necessary. Michael Masterson calls it Ready, Fire, Aim.
Crocodile Dundee’s quote has now become one of my favorites: “Bite off more than you can chew, then chew like crazy.”
Commit, chomp, then chew. Spit when necessary.
Aunty, Aloha! I LOVE your blog/website: it’s SO informative, AND where you live is one of my favorite places on the planet: I LOVE Hawaii! I stumbled upon your blog/website while doing some background work on Nerium, which also lead me to LifeVantage, both companies I’m incredibly interested to work with. I recently had a run-in with another Direct Sales Company, due to my enthusiasm for marketing the product, and now, so-to-speak, I’m back on the market
Aunty, I’ve narrowed it down to Nerium and Protandim/LifeVantage, and I’ve read both of your reviews for them at least 3 times…I love both the products, but I’m wondering, which of the 2 would you recommend I dive into? Have things cleared up with LifeVantage/Protandim?
Aloha LeAnne, and much mahalo for your kind words and finding Aunty!
Regarding LifeVantage and/or Nerium. It depends on what you want to focus on. If it is to promote good health for a lifetime and a lifelong customer base, I would say LifeVantage with their Protandim product is the way to go. However, income-wise, it is a much harder sell and the company seems to take rather than give.
If you are looking to grow a business that is at the very beginning stages, I would say Nerium International. The product sells itself because when it works, it works dramatically well, and it is easy to use. What drew me to the company was that it was not even a year old, and once I became a brand partner, the support, training, guidance, and company philosophy and actions blew me away and is still blowing me away – and Aunty is not usually blown away for long.
I am currently in Las Vegas to see Nerium team members on business training, so this trip is a write-off-able event! It works vice versa – for when the Vegas team members come to Hawaii for training and/or to meet with me, their trip is write-off-able!
Treat this like a business, and reap the rewards and benefits of a business. Good luck in your choice and future wealth building!
With aloha,
Eh Aunty,
Tanks for the musubi the other day. Hope the Graduation commencement was killer.
I got a great story to tell you and Guy but maybe I’ll let Brenda tell it next time she see’s you folks. She nearly fell down laffing…..Who da guy????
Neat website. WoW!!!!
Joe, You’re welcome for the musubi – was from Manabu’s – good stuff! Graduation was the best – the end of college tuition – hurray!!! K’den I will wait to hear the story from Brenda, hope to see her soon!
Aloha Aunty!
I find your website informative and inspiring. It’s definitely one-of-a-kind. Much mahalo for sharing your knowledge.
Mahalo for the nice words Benjamin! You inspire me!