About Aunty

Aunty is a new senior citizen and loving this phase of her life. Less responsibilities, less fear of being weird, able to do more of the things that I want to do! Older, yes, slower, yes, but life is even more wonderful in my golden years and I look forward to even goldener ones.

Buying a piece of Ala Moana Hotel

2015-10-12_21-01-08Aunty used to go to a lot of marketing events at the Ala Moana Hotel, parking at Ala Moana Center by Macy’s, which was a no-no but everyone did it without any hassle.  From there, a short walk up a ramp took us into the ballroom section of the hotel.

Rumours Night Club just off the lobby is a hoot!  Aunty is not into the nightclub scene but decided to join some friends years ago during the happy hour.  We had pupus and cheap drinks and the place was packed with gyrating, happy dancing hipsters.  Old hipsters.  Even some really old hipsters dancing and enjoying themselves in the dance cages until the clock struck 9:30, when it changes over to a swinging place for young people.

Besides Rumours, the pool bar, some good restaurants and hotel amenities, the Ala Moana Hotel is such a convenient place, right smack next to the Ala Moana Shopping Center and the Ala Moana Pacific Center where Salon 808 and Aunty’s former hairdresser Quyan are housed.  The hotel always seems busy and vibrant.  The lobby is open, bright and clean.  Various airline crews are there for their layovers because prices are reasonable and access is easy.  This hotel is out of the hustle and bustle of Waikiki and neighbor island locals like it.  The entire hotel is smoke free and the property is fee simple (as opposed to leasehold).

About 10 years ago, this hotel was condo converted and employees were given the first option to buy.  Units began selling for $85,000 and up.  Current prices range from $145,000 up to $498,000, depending on size (246 sq ft – 559 sq ft) and desirability of individual units.  AOAO (building association) fees run from $794 – $1130/month and property taxes range from $174 – $259/month.

One could choose to live here part (or all) of the time and rent out the rooms the rest of the time.  This could be done by managing your own rental – finding tenants, collecting rents and fees, cleaning on a regular basis, maintaining the unit up to hotel standards and conformity.  Or, you could find a property management company and arrange for them to do all the work for fees ranging from 15-40%.   Joining the hotel management pool would be the easiest option – though at a cost of 50% of rental income and 10% management fee.  The term of rental agreement is for 5 years with initiation fees of $400.  Even with these high hotel management costs, Aunty heard that the cash flow is good.

Testing waters

Aunty contacted Noreen Ho, her mortgage broker who also is a real estate agent about buying a unit.  Noreen is hard working, very knowledgeable, and easy to work with.  Within minutes, Aunty had a list of 48 units currently for sale.  That is a lot of units for sale, but it is a big hotel with 1100 rooms/suites.  She also gathered rent rolls for the units that were potential purchases.  They all cash flowed!

Why would people sell their units if it is so convenient, well maintained, well run, and cash flows?  Seller disclosures do not reveal any negatives, so it is a curiosity as to their reasons, and Aunty wades in cautiously.

The visit

lobbyNoreen met Aunty at the hotel’s front desk and received a pre-arranged one hour pass to see 2 units of interest.  The lobby was busy with a line of people waiting to be registered.  We were informed that the hotel was sold out for the day, and that it has been a very good and busy year for bookings.

A very nice bellhop stopped to chat with us and we discovered that overnight parking at the adjoining Ala Moana Center was not allowed because the parking was closed after hours and re-opened at 5:00 in the morning.  Hotel guests needing parking are charged $20 per day for basement parking or $25 per day for valet parking.  Metered parking around the streets were also available, though on a first come first served basis and subject to feeding the meters during the day.  Residents of the hotel can purchase parking passes at a discount.

Just around the corner from the front desk is the real estate office of Jack Tyrell & Company.  We picked up a handy info sheet that he provides with all active listings in the hotel as well as recently sold units.  As of 10/11/2015, 44 units were available for sale and 35 units had sold in the last 6 months.  Jack Tyrell is the listing agent for approximately 25% of the current units for sale.  On a subsequent visit, Aunty dropped in and had the great pleasure of meeting Julie – super nice lady and so helpful.

Days on market of current listings range from a few days to 300 days.  Units are not flying out the door, but they are selling at an average rate of 6 per month with new listings at the same rate.

Touch and feel to decide

It was good to see the hotel and walk the halls.  It is not luxurious but it is very pretty.  The hotel card key is required in the elevators to access the different floors for security.  The elevators are clean and bright.  The hallways are clean.  An ice machine and drink vending machine are located close to the elevators.

Waikiki Tower, Unit #1

lanai 1701The first unit we looked at was in the Waikiki Tower on the 17th floor close to the elevator, with a lanai overlooking the Ala Moana Center parking lot.  This was rather nice – being high up meant a wider view with a sense of privacy.  The view from the tiny lanai was of downtown Honolulu and Ewa side, with a number of construction cranes in Kakaako – evidence of the condo building boom that is overtaking the area.

The room was a mess because it was recently vacated and not yet cleaned for the next guest checking in.  Still, it felt pleasant.  The entire hotel was going through renovations, floor by floor, and this room had brand new carpets and clean neutral walls.  The furnishings and built ins were of good hotel caliber, the bathroom was decent and average.  It was 297 sq ft and priced at $177,000.  We were in contract (in escrow to buy) at the asking price.

1701Rent rolls were pretty good, to Aunty.  (note:  Aunty has been advised in the past by several real estate “gurus” in Hawaii that there are far better deals than the ones we were considering and then bought.  However, time and cash flow has been kind to us, even though we did not follow the “gurus” advice.)  In 2014, revenues for the room totaled $46,690.25 with deductions and expenses of $37,854, resulting in net annual income of $8,836.25.  The majority of the expenses was the 60% (yikes!)  to the hotel pool management.  It was vacant for 75 days last year.

To most seasoned investors, these are not great numbers.  In fact, they might even say that they are poor numbers resulting with a ROI (return on investment) of 5.13%.  (Revenue of $8836.25 divided by cash investment of $172,000 = ROI of 5.13%)

Real estate pros and gurus usually will not settle for less than 8% ROI.

Waikiki Tower, Unit #2

2126 kitchenThe second unit was on the 21st floor, a 1 bedroom suite on the Atkinson side of the building.  It was very very nice and looked brand new.  The “parlor” had an almost full wall kitchen with even a small undercounter dishwasher.  A new comfy sofa could be pulled out to be a bed.  The parlor could be closed off for privacy from the rest of the unit which consisted of a good sized bathroom and a bedroom with a building corner lanai.

The view was less than nice – unless seeing the messiness of Kapiolani Boulevard, ugly buildings, and street traffic is your cup of tea.  The view of the Convention Center did look nice, along with a peek between the Yacht Harbor Towers and the YMCA, revealing the charming boat harbor fronting the Hawaii Prince Hotel.  This charming peek will soon disappear once the new owner of the YMCA property commences construction and builds their planned high rise.  The lanai was also very breezy – too breezy for Aunty’s dry eyeballs and fly away hair.

This unit was priced at $345,000 and felt spacious with its 503 square feet of living area.  This unit is not in high demand in the rental pool because it costs more for guests to book ($259 per night for this suite vs $149 per night for the studio rooms).  In 2014, it was vacant 110 days.  Still, it did manage to cash flow (actually almost anything will cash flow if the unit is bought with cash) at $8346.60, slightly less than the same net annual income as Unit #1.  The ROI was rather sad in comparison, a piddly 2.4% (revenue of $8246.60 divided by cash investment of $345,000 = ROI of 2.4%).

Kona Tower side

Noreen and I were curious about the Kona Tower units.  These were the smallest units – studios with 246 square feet of living space, no lanais.  Units in this Tower have the lowest sales price and lack of scenic view.  They also have the lowest booking prices for guests.  This should make it cash flow better than units in the Waikiki Tower since they would be the first to be booked by travelers looking for hotel deals.

We accessed from the left side of the lobby area, through a corrider and past the Business Center by following some tourists into the elevator and exiting on the 7th floor. There are only 13 stories on the Kona side.  Rooms are numbered from 33 to 63, with #48 corner unit rooms facing downtown/Ewa and #49 unit rooms facing Ala Moana Center and the ocean.  These corner units may seem appealing (we did not go in to see them) but they are at the farthest point from the hotel elevators, 14 rooms down from the ice machine/elevator junction.  The hallways in the Kona Towers seem narrow and the ambience of the lighting and walls make it feel motel-like.

Based on rent rolls that Noreen secured for one of the units on the 13th floor, the 2014 ROI for this $170,000 246 sq ft studio was 4.35% (revenue of $7404.95 ÷ $170,000 = ROI of 4.35%).  It was vacant for 65 days in 2014.  The lowest list price of $145,000 was for a studio unit in the Kona Tower.


Experts and investors will probably judge these as not great investments.  Even the employees of the Ala Moana Hotel that bought in years ago when it was first offered for sale in the condo conversion have not been thrilled with their purchase as an investment.

There are factors that are out of our control which could negatively affect the cash flow – low occupancy, repairs that cause vacancies due to being out of order, renovations, rising management costs, downturn in the economy, disasters.

If a unit can be purchased for a lower price and occupancy rises, the ROI increases.  If the hotel becomes more desirable to investors, the sales price could appreciate and a tidy profit could be made in the future.

Financing as an option

If an investor does not have the cash for the entire purchase, Finance Factors will provide up to 60% of value as an investor loan.  The current rate is 4-4.5%.  Securing financing for these will add a monthly expense in the mix, dropping the amount of cash flow.

Running the numbers for Waikiki Tower unit #1:  the purchase price of $172,000 and annual net cash flow of $8836.20:

a 4.5% loan on $103,200 (60% of purchase price) will result in mortgage of $523.  $523 x 12 months = $6276

Cash flow is reduced by the monthly payments to the bank, resulting in annual net cash flow of $2560.25

ROI is now 3.72% because the annual cash flow of $2560.25 is divided by the cash investment portion of $68,800 (the rest is from the bank loan).  It seems like the numbers got worse BUT the amount of cash that is invested is much less, and it is still providing cash flow.

Running numbers for Waikiki Tower unit #2: the purchase price of $345,000 and annual net cash flow of $8246.60:

a 4.5% loan on $207,000 (60% of purchase price) will result in monthly mortgage of $1048.84.  $1048.84 x 12 months = $12,586.06

Cash flow is reduced by the mortgage payment, resulting in a negative annual net cash flow of -$4339.46.

ROI is now negative – not a good idea, BUT it may become one if it can be sold for a higher price in the near future, occupancy increases, you want a second home to live in, or you want a piece of the sky in paradise.

Jumping in

Aunty has a talent for losing money.  Stocks are bought and watched as they slide down in price with little bumps up and bigger dips lower.  Poker hands are won and then lost in going “all-in”, but it is amongst friends and only $5 for the buy-in.  Get rich quick seminars cost a lot and leave Aunty with an empty purse, apprehension and not quickly rich.  Fads and network marketing opportunities create a whirlwind of frenzy and high hopes, leaving Aunty with a stash of products, a lot of potluck parties and then later, tired and unmotivated.

Regardless of Aunty’s other losing ventures, real estate that can cash flow is like a hen that always has value because of the constant flow of hen eggs to feed the family.  Some hens drop a lot of eggs, some drop a few eggs.  Some turn out to be turkeys that need to be prettied up and sold.

Aunty thinks that the Ala Moana Hotel has been a pretty sleeping turkey that is turning into a egg laying chicken so she is jumping in to complete the deal of unit #1.


It is one of only a few condo/hotels that operate like hotels in Hawaii and it happens to be in a super location.

It has just gone through renovations so it looks and smells great.

It is busy, beautiful, well run and well maintained.

It is affordable, especially compared to the new condos that are coming up that cost several times more, or houses in Hawaii.  Prices have been increasing, but at a snail’s pace.

It is fee simple.  Leasehold properties (only Hawaii seems to have these) have lease expirations and potential increases in fees and are not as desirable as fee simple properties especially when you are ready to sell.

It cash flows.  Even at 2%, it beats Aunty’s stock market gambles or money in a savings account.  It will cash flow even better if vacancy rates keep improving.

It has all the advantages of real estate rentals (depreciation, expenses to offset income, income producing asset) as well as the potential for value appreciation.

Owners have the option to live in it part or all of the year and have rent revenue for the times that you are not there.

If it doesn’t work out, it can be sold.

Why are they being sold?

Perhaps the sellers want better results or have found something better to buy or invest in.  Perhaps they went to Rumours Club on a bad day and at the wrong time.

Whatever the reasons, Aunty is glad to have the opportunity to try her hand at the Ala Moana Hotel by owning a piece of its sky.

Steps to take

1.  Ask your realtor to pull up a list of all units for sale at the hotel.  Or drop by the brochure rack fronting Jack Tyrell’s office and get a handy printed list of all units available for sale in order of prices, lowest to highest.

2.  Ask your realtor to get rent rolls for the units that you are interested in so that you can run the ROI numbers.  Have them arrange a showing with the hotel and view prospective units.

3.  Submit your bids with an earnest money deposit check and cross your fingers.  Most of the time you will be countered with a higher price by the seller and it is up to you to accept, counter back, or decline.

4.  If your bid is accepted, do a happy dance, start the escrow process with the designated title company, then go on the eHawaii.gov website to register a business in Hawaii (or visit the DCCA office).  It can be a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, etc.  (note to Aunty:  do a post about starting a business in Hawaii.)  When registering for a business license for rental income from a hotel, you will need to apply for your GET  and TA (temporary acommodations) license.  The NAICS # is 721199.

5.  Meet with the ALM hotel rental pool people that are located just behind the front desk area to learn about their pool rental program.  Most units are already in the hotel pool rental program.  Aunty met with Willie (Wilhelmina) and signed up to be part of the hotel pool because the program is so convenient for people like Aunty.

6.  Pay (with a cashiers check) the balance due and sign final escrow papers at the designated title company office.  The deed will then be recorded with you as the new owner.

7.  Congratulations, let the cash flow begin!  As an owner you can reserve your room for friends or family at special discount rates ($105 for the studio), as well as blocking off your room for yourself or your guests for free, though subject to a $40 checkout fee.

Time passed and lessons learned

Aunty will be updating about the wonderful world of hotel ownership in a future post.  The learning curve has been rather steep.  The searching and buying part have been fun and exciting.

Cash flow appears, as well as expenses.

Please stay tuned as Aunty, the hotel mogul wannabee’s saga unfolds.

Meanwhile, here is a list of Aunty’s “team” that have proved themselves to be awesome:

Realtor and/or financing agent:  Noreen Ho  of Savvy Realty (808) 398-8528  nho398@gmail.com

Attorney for LLC formation:  Aaron Mun of Kobayashi Sugita and Goda at (808) 535-5738 or arm@ksglaw.com

Jan 2017 update:  Aunty tried to win an auction last month, but the bank representative shot her down.

Also, cash flow from the “cheaper” units in the Kona tower is dropping.  Perhaps the new owners of the hotel operations (Mantra Group) are offering cheaper booking rates to contract guests.  It is affecting the monthly cash flow for these units, in a junk way. 

Towards the end of 2016, fewer and fewer units in the hotel were available to buy because the offerings were being snapped up like hotcakes.  However, this trend of lower rental income might have current owners dumping their units on the market.  The Ala Moana Hotel Board meeting is scheduled in February.  It will be interesting to see and hear from the new owners, and Aunty will definitely be there.

September 2017 update:  Mahalo for the comments that previous owners have made.  Sadly, they have had very poor experiences and results and have had negative cash flow and/or lost profits.  There ARE better deals out there – and perhaps Aunty’s bias toward the hotel is too positive, but for now, Aunty still likes investing there. 

A caution to prospective new owners, though.  When you let friends and family stay for “free” as owner guests – they are required to pay $40 upon checkout for a cleaning fee, or more if they utilize the daily parking ($20 or $25 if valet) and each extra cleaning day is $18.  That is a really great deal for them, but you, the owner, will have your net rental check from the hotel pool cut by about $100/day.  Be aware of this and limit those owner guest passes unless they really are great friends and family.

Swap Meet up for Bloggers

Swap meeters with Randy

Swap meeters with Randy

A long awaited day arrived this morning at the Kam Swap Meet with  Art and Kay of Musings and Jalna & sisters of Photos by Jalna.

This was an EARLY morning meeting, which Aunty is NOT good at, but, when the incentive is there, Aunty manages to crawl out of bed with the chiming of an alarm, down her cereal and coffee, gather what needs gathering, and out the door in many minutes flat.  Having tattooed eyeliner is a huge time saver (a future post).

NO traffic at 6:50 am from Kaimuki to Pearl City!  Zoom zoom zoom!  Parking was easy enough if one wasn’t picky, and the Kam Swap Meet is free!  That was a pleasant surprise, and well worth the price of admission, snark snark!  Money saved in order to buy more stuff.

Jalna and her sisters are swap meet regulars and know EVERYone.  We all stopped by Randy’s Knick Knacks in stall 17.  He seemed to be everybody’s favorite vendor with a simple roll up mat and little plastic bagged treasures for $1.

Aunty found a few glass dishes and bought 7 yards each of great upholstery material at $1.50 per yard!  Holy moly, for $21, Aunty got 14 yards of fabric.  Just a week earlier at Fabric Mart, 5 yards costed Aunty almost $50, and the swap meet find was just as nice or better!  It was heavy carrying it around, which made a drop off trip to the car a must.

Aunty also scored a very old French book “Un Sejour a Hawai” published in 1881 for $2.  Another vendor had what looked like a wonderful original watercolor of a plumeria lei, but upon closer look (Aunty put on her glasses), this was a reprint and so Aunty saved some money.  A really cute Louis Vuitton bucket purse also escaped from Aunty because the vendor had left by the time Aunty was on her second pass around.  Aunty saved money.

Actually, what Aunty did spend money on was food.  Filipino food that called out and tantalized Aunty.  So she bought pork lechon, cut up and packaged with a tasty sauce for $12.50 (very yummy), pancit – Filipino stir fried noodles that are good with kalamansi limes (though Aunty prefers it with vinegar),  and pinakbet – vegetable stir fry with shrimp or fish (but this one didn’t have shrimp or fish).  Banana lumpia would have made it complete but by this time, Aunty was hot, tired, and wanted to go home with her goodies.

It was a potentially dangerous day at the Kam Swap Meet.  The lure of things that Aunty did not need and the anticipated promise of so much more temptations – all at prices too good to pass on.

It was great to see Jalna and her sisters, and Kay and Art, each of us finding our own little interests in various vendors, then meeting up at the end of each row before exploring the next.  Sweet Didi gave Aunty her own special salt mixture concoction – which will be used on the next perfect steak.  Jalna gave some of the special fresh Waimana eggs that she swears by.

This fun day will be haunting.  What treasures can be found there next week, or the week after?  The only way to know, is to be there.

A perfect steak

platedOnce in a while, Aunty loves a great steak.  One that is a little bit crusty outside yet soft and slightly juicy inside.

Most of the time, we would cook them outside on a hibachi grill after salting and seasoning with Canadian Steak seasoning (from Costco).  It would almost always be great, but it was a bit of a hassle making the fire and getting the charcoals just right hot.  This also took quite a long time and if the sun went down before the meat was cooked, it became hard to see out in the yard, and then hard to determine if it was cooked enough, or not.

Sometimes we would pan fry them with the seasoned cast iron pan – smashed cloves of garlic in the heated oil, then cook one side on high heat for a few minutes, turn it onto the other side and wait for the meat to get cooked to medium done with some Hawaiian salt and the Canadian Steak seasoning sprinkled on as it sat in the pan.  Sometimes it was good, sometimes it wasn’t so good.  It was always very very greasy and rather messy, though also very tasty and filling.

Then, one day a recipe for cooking a perfect steak without a grill came into Aunty’s inbox.  This was from Craig Ballantyne, an ultra healthy workout guru that communicates with his EarlyToRise.com website and emails.

One must start off with quality beef – organic is better but Aunty bought hers at Costco, the rib steaks that are about 1″ thick.

Ingredients are:

  • butter
  • salt
  • a cast-iron skillet or regular pan that can be heated on high heat
  • glass cookware for the oven

Preheat your oven to 450º.  Get the skillet as hot as possible on your stovetop.  Apply butter to both sides of the steak (not too much, just a very thin layer like buttering toast).

When the skillet is very very hot (can’t hold your hand over it for more than 5 seconds), place the steak in the pan.  Cook for 3-4 minutes per side.  Put steak in the glass cookware, add a little dab of butter on each steak and sprinkle some sea salt on surface.

Cook in the 450º oven for 7 to 10 minutes.  (Don’t forget the salt!). 7 minutes will be a medium rare steak.  Aunty cooked for 8 minutes (Aunty likes the number 8) and it was done perfectly medium.  Not too greasy, lightly crusty from the butter fry and so soft and juicy inside.  A perfect steak, indeed!

It was interesting cooking on the skillet WITHOUT starting with oil in the pan.  The butter on the steak contained the fat to the meat, which was quite nice.  Clean up was easy, and the glass dish went straight onto the table from the oven, though the stove top gets very greasy with butter.  Not sure how to avoid that cleanup…

Kudos to Craig Ballantyne for the recipe!   If any of Aunty’s readers have tips for cooking a great steak, please share with us in the comments below, mahalo, and happy eating!!

Update:  The first time was a winner because Aunty followed the recipe, exactly.  The second time, Aunty forgot to sprinkle sea salt on the steak before putting them in the oven, so they were not as tasty and we had to add salt as we ate.  One thought is now to try this recipe with a Himalyan salt slab – having it preheat in the oven and putting the steak directly on the heated salt slab instead of the oven cookware and finishing the process in the oven.

Most recent update:  Pal Wandaful let Aunty borrow her salt slab – big heavy thick salt slab!  She said to just wipe it down when done – so easy peasy.  It took the place of the glass oven dish and salted the meat just right!  However, this time the steaks were less than 1″ thick and so they came out a bit too well done for Aunty.

on salt slab

On a big thick Himalayan salt slab, yum!

What is YOUR Calling?

Lani KwonAunty went to a HiMa (Hawaii Internet Marketing) meeting this week.  Aunty joined a few months ago – not sure why since Aunty is a non-techie, non geekie, non-social media type – but the folks that run it are super nice and they always have pizza and water, and interesting subject matter.

The recent meeting was about finding our life’s purpose.  What a big topic – but, what the hey, if anything, there would be pizza, right?

The guest speaker was Lani Kwon, a life coach, mother, speaker, and transformer.  After a few minutes of intro, tidbits and pleasant stories, the nitty gritty happened when we started filling out some worksheets.

The first question was, “What would you do if anything were possible?”  Sounds simple enough, but take a few minutes and ask that question of yourself.  Anything.  Nothing holding you back, the sky and beyond, no limits.  You have a free pass to life’s candy store.

We were then walked through a series of questions about what holds us back, what keeps us stuck, what we need, visualization, solutions, action planning.  The last step of the night was signing a contract with ourselves.  A very simple contract.  Commitment.

W.H. Murray wrote about commitment in “The Story of Everest”.  The moment one defiantly commits oneself, then providence moves too.  It is very powerful.

The next step

One’s life purpose(s) can seem very selfish because it is personally fulfilling.  However, there is nothing wrong with figuring out what we want and then getting it, unless it is harmful to others.

Perhaps it is time for Aunty to finish up tidying, turn off Korean dramas, put away excuses, and dive in and commit to her life purposes.

Lani Kwon has tickled the tiger (actually, Aunty is a dragon).  Awakening the dragon, hmmm.  To quote German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

Please sit down and take some time to figure out your life purpose.  Please share, if you are willing.


Instead of shoes…

pile of shoesSometimes Aunty has to brush the dirt off her shoulder, so this will be the beginning of “Auntyisms”.

Aunty cannot understand shoeaholics since her 2 pairs of Crocs are her go-to foot wear.  Crocs have the advantage of comfort, style, and long lasting durability.  The 3 year old black pair and 1 year old cheetah print pair will last forever and keep Aunty in style, iao (in Aunty’s opinion).

Joe (name change for anonymity), a daughter’s boyfriend, is in town. He is over 6 feet tall with shoes that look like bread loaves and in his first 2 days here, 5 pairs of his shoes are cluttered by the front door.  His plan for day 2 was to go shoe shopping.

Come to find out, he has the same fetish as Imelda Marcos – he is a shoeaholic – and he buys about 10 new pairs of shoes every year for his pleasure factor.  These are not cheap shoes – they are name brand athletic shoes or good quality shoes that are trendy.

Well, Aunty could not hold back.

“Joe…..”, says Aunty, “what will you have in 10 years if you buy 10 pairs of shoes a year?”

Aunty answered for Joe.  “You will have a hundred pairs of used shoes.”

Aunty’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad mentality had kicked into gear, and unwanted advice poured out in the form of a valuable lesson (iao) that the receiver doesn’t really want to learn.

“What would you have if you were to buy a silver or gold coin instead of a pair of shoes?”  Again, Aunty answered for Joe.  “In 10 years, you will have 100 silver or gold coins.”

The result of this conversation was that the pile of his big shoes disappeared for the rest of his visit and shopping bags were whisked out of sight before this opinionated Aunty would opine.

Imelda Marcos would not have heeded Aunty either, but then, Imelda Marcos could afford all those shoes as well as hoard gold – or so we have been led to suspect after the Marcos regime ended.

Of course, it is easier to preach than it is to practice.  It may take time to be able to actually see and believe in the benefits of investing/saving over spending, but slowly, over time, with commitment to one’s future, gold will win out over old shoes, don’tcha think?


When Aunty gets sick…

At the tail end of the cold.

Aunty and Kay at the tail end of the cold. Notice Aunty wearing a scarf to protect the back of her neck?

It has been years, maybe even decades, since Aunty got sick.  This week, Aunty got sick and felt like she was a 100 year old near dead dog.

However, there are actually some good things about getting sick.  One of them is having empathy (the ability to feel what others feel) when other people are sick.  It feels like the pits.  Sore throat, sore body, weak, depressed, listless, headachey, junk.

Another is being able to try what Aunty preaches to her kids when they get sick.  These are:

  • Stay at home!  Not just to get better, but also to contain your germs and not spread them.
  • Don’t eat solids and/or greasy foods.  Soups are best.  The best of the best is the Hot and Sour soup from Hale Vietnam for fevers/flu in the first day.  If done early enough, the fever and flu like symptoms are GONE.
  • Rub Vicks Vaporub on your chest at night.
  • Spray Air Detox (from Herbdoc.com) on paper towels and use to wipe your hands before and after touching “community” items such as door knobs, keys, etc.  Keep your germs, especially from your hands, to yourself.
  • Use a cotton neck wrap, like a big handkerchief around your neck, especially keeping the back of your neck protected.  Spray it with Air Detox throughout the day.
  • Drink hot liquids, NO sugar-y or artificial drinks.  Aunty started putting kalamunggay leaves in a teapot and adding hot water as her basic daily drink.
  • Eat ginger – that’s what friend Rayna said to do.  It is actually good advice – the li hing dried ginger that isn’t too tough.
  • Starve a fever, feed a cold?  Not sure about that but one concoction that Aunty believes in is maple syrup (or honey), lemon juice (fresh squeezed), and cayenne powder in hot water.  This is a delicious hot drink that has everything in it to get through the hard times in place of eating.  [note:  Herbdoc.com has a Cold and Flu Shot in a shot glass type bottle but Aunty is allergic to alcohol and hasn’t tried it.]
  • Keep your body, especially your neck and feet warm, but not hot.  Aunty’s magic socks are wonderful and comfortable for her feet, and anything will do as a neck wrap to protect the back of our necks from drafts and losing warmth.
  • Eliminate the toxins.  In other words, poop.  Aunty’s daily regimen includes Intestinal Formula #1, so regularity is her norm.  If you aren’t pooping, you aren’t getting rid of the bad stuff in your body, and you will remain sick longer.  Here’s a story that will embarrass one of our daughters, so she will be called Bozu, for anonymity.  Bozu got sick and didn’t take care of herself – went out, took meds, got sicker and sicker with a constant fever.  Ah! You might think that she needed antibiotics, right?  Except her mother doesn’t believe in those because of how it blasts everything, even our immune systems.  Meanwhile, she felt lousier and lousier.  She kept refusing Aunty’s advice about having an enema even though she was running a fever, hardly pooping and not eating much.  Finally, after several days of feeling really sick and missing school, she agreed to an enema.  Longs Drugs sells pre-bottled saline water enemas, easy to use by inserting and squeezing.  Aunty warmed a bottle up by standing it in hottish/warm water and let Bozu have it.

The trick to enemas is to hold the liquid in for as long as possible, but keep close to the toilet. After a few minutes, Bozu WENT.  It was not pretty, but it was super effective.  It was as if a toxic dump was cleared out of her.  The entire house reeked of a smell that was like over ripe raw daikon (Japanese turnip) for what seemed like days.

She was quite weak after and went to sleep under covers.  We did not see her for the rest of the day and night, and when we did, her fever was gone and she felt better.  Still weak, but no more fever, and able to eat some chazuke rice (white rice with tea) and ume (picked fermented plum).  She was herself in a few more days and mother prided herself on the merits of the glorified enema.

  • Stay out of air conditioning, if possible.  Fresh air is best, sea air on a sunny non windy day is even better.
  • Rest and take it easy.  Watch tv, movies, Korean dramas.  Just don’t do much.  Your body’s immune system is working overtime to get you well and it doesn’t need additional stress or demands added to its workload.  Be a couch potato. Take naps.  This time around, Aunty didn’t follow this piece of advice and after feeling a bit better, decided to trim a few trees branches, uproot a couple of papayas and start a patch of kalamunggay trees.  This was followed by weeding an irritating spot in the yard.  Although it felt good to be doing such useful yardwork at the time, Aunty had a slight relapse later that evening.
  • One of the worst symptoms of a cold is not being able to breathe easily.  Use a neti pot with warm water and Himalayan sea salt or colloidal silver to flush each nostril gently.
  • Give yourself time to heal.  Our bodies are truly miracles that can heal itself.  Some people count on their doctors and modern medicine to fix them.  If that is what you believe, then go for it.
  • When you feel that it is the worst that it can be, it probably is.  Little by little, you will get better.

Now that Aunty is just about over this dang irritating cold, life is good again.  Aunty met with fellow blogger Kay of Musings over at travelerswife.blogspot.com for lunch at To Thai For in Kaimuki. Aunty loves their delicious greasy tasty Thai pork chops but settled for Chicken pad thai instead (avoid greasy foods when sick).

Aunty also wore a scarf around her neck and dressed warmly with long pants (Aunty usually wears a skirt) and magic socks.

It was delightful to finally meet Kay and her cute husband Art in person.  Almost like being rewarded for getting over the dang cold that gave Aunty a lesson in life.  It forced Aunty to try a neti pot, thus discovering the benefits of it!  Next time it will be one of the first things done, with salted water and a few drops of wild oregano oil.  It really clears the nasal passages and hastens the healing.

Our bodies CAN heal itself, which is a wondrous and invisible blessing that we don’t always realize until we get sick or hurt.  Take care of it, thank it, and please, be well.


Tattooed, POSHd, and pooped


Valerie Joseph and Aunty

Today was a totally full day.  Pal Wandaful picked up Aunty and off we went to Ji’s Skincare over in Aiea for our tattooed eyeliner touch ups (will post about that another time), then over to Aiea Bowl for their delicious oxtail soup with amazing homemade ponzu sauce.

We visited Wanda’s handsome sons for some kalamunggay branches (will post about the wonders of the kalamunggay another time), and then headed off to Ward Centre for rubbish cans.  Really smart and sharp looking rubbish cans from Bed Bath and Beyond that Aunty learned about from Kay of Musings.  The nice salesclerk helped us sign up for text messages so that we received our 20% off coupons right then and there.  This will be a big improvement in the kitchen – having a rubbish can that matches the refrigerator and hides the trash with a lid that opens and closes with a foot pedal.

Wanda is very good at helping Aunty spend money, so we checked out POSHd, a newly opened shop of Valerie Joseph next door to Bed Bath and Beyond.  At first glance, it looked like it was just for hip young people in the small cute shop with a cheery French atmosphere.  The owner, Valerie, greeted us warmly and made us feel welcome and  comfortable.  A rack of interesting clothes caught our eyes – it almost looked like Issey Miyake (Aunty’s FAVorite designer) but at 1/8th the price and 1/2 the weight.  There were at least 3 pieces that Aunty really wanted, but settled on a pair of really funky jockey like pants that were just too delicious to pass on.  These were so reasonably priced, looked and felt fabulous on, so Aunty wore them out of the store.

Oooh, said Wanda, let’s check out that olive oil store.  Well Aunty is already in an olive oil club that delivers fresh oils every 3 months, but followed her into Island Olive Oil Company.  It looked like a brewery with kegs of oils and balsamic vinegar.  We sampled several – all were different and quite good.  Wanda shared how she would smash some strawberries, pour some of the flavored balsamic vinegar on to soak for an hour, then serve over ice cream.  Doesn’t that sound absolutely heavenly?  Aunty bought a bottle of the Blackberry Ginger balsamic vinegar.  Had to, right?

Oooh, said Wanda, let’s check out Jams World.  Almost everything in that store is brightly colored and patterned.  Pal Patricia would call it visual overload, and it was, until our newly tattooed eyes settled down and focused on some of the most wonderful bling bling necklaces that had us drooling.  Sharon was such a great salesclerk, Aunty ended up buying one that reminded her of Korean drama characters that overdressed with sparkles and glitz as their daily work wear.  Wanda bought a pair of Oofos in brown.  These are super soft high arched slippers that Aunty had bought with her magic socks at Shirokiya.

Thank goodness the day was almost over and we headed home with a carload of rubbish cans, kalamunggay branches, packages of merchandise (we had also stopped by Nordstrom Rack and TJ Maxx), and leftover oxtail soup.  Aunty was so pooped, dinner consisted of Lipton’s chicken noodle soup with cold rice dumped in.

It was a great day, we met so many nice people, and now Aunty’s going to sleep early.

Spam Kim Chee for dinner

Looks like Art and Kay from Travelerswife.blog!

Looks like Art and Kay from Travelerswife.blog!

Almost 40 years ago (man, Aunty is old), we used to do craft fairs at our homes with friends.  Ann Kondo Corum was a librarian at Kawananakoa School and had just published Hawaii’s Spam Cookbook.  She is a super fantastic artist and each page has her delightful cartoon drawings related to each dish.  Since she was selling her cookbooks as well as doing original art cards to order, Aunty made her Korean Style Spam dish for our guests.  It was really tasty and a hit, and she sold many cookbooks that day.

This is an easy recipe that cooks up quickly with what we already have in the pantry and refrigerator.  It is a winner with rice and sort of healthy because kimchee is a good source of natural probiotics to help our digestion.

Here’s the recipe (adjust ingredients for smaller eaters):

1 can SPAM, sliced in 1/2″ slivers (Aunty does logs)

1 12oz jar of Kim Chee

1 small onion, sliced

2 tsp shoyu

Brown SPAM slices in a skillet (smashed ginger optional).  Place Kim Chee in a strainer or colander and rinse with water.  Drain well.  Add Kim Chee, onion, and shoyu to SPAM and cook about 2 minutes.

This dish is also good with sliced zucchini (Aunty does logs).


Tap tap tap to feel good

Happy feetDecades ago, Aunty took tap dance lessons from Jack Cione with pal Cookie and Gayln.  It was fun making feet noise in time with other feet in the room, but it wasn’t a life passion for any of us.

During a tidying session (still to come: Aunty’s review of Marie Kondo’s Life Changing Magic of Tidying), Aunty found 2 thick print outs of Jack Cione’s dance steps and songs.  These did bring a sense of joy because of the memories – though not sure whether to toss or keep, yet.

Then, serendipitously (fortunate chance), an email link about tapping for health came into Aunty’s email box this morning.  It was like a sign to pay attention, doodoodoodoo doodoodoo (theme from Twilight Zone).

Tapping is part of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that Aunty had heard about and was curious as to its success and results.  Instead of tapping with clinking shoes, one taps gently on specific points on the body with fingertips.  It seemed like a God/Universe given gift, so Aunty opened up the link and tried it.

Just like Mikey in the Life Cereal commercial (if you are old enough to remember), Aunty liked it!  Ups to you if you want to try it – this first link explains the different point to tap: http://thetappingsolution.com/2016tws/how-to-tap-video.html

And this one will guide you through a 20 minute exercise to tap away stress/fears and begin a great day: http://www.thetappingsolution.com/2016event/R00Ms/D1-MR-3654.php  [Update: this was only available for 24 hours – so solly.  The Tapping World Summit event is going on for the next 10 (and counting down) days and events can be listened to for free during a 24 hour period, daily.  So, once one presentation is up, it then goes away and the next day’s event is up, then away – UNLESS one buys the packages.  Aunty is not planning to buy the packages but perhaps will continue tapping and adjusting the affirmations/confirmations/etc. specific to her own situations.]

[Further update:  Although the packages are available for purchase for those who want permanent access to the Tapping World Summit 2016, Aunty feels that these are good folks because of the limited sharing of some rather excellent material – limited because of the 24 hour FREE online access for each day’s events.  Here is a list of the upcoming topics and speakers: http://thetappingsolution.com/2016tws/schedule.html which included Jack Canfield (pau already, solly), but some rather excellent subjects such as healing relationships with mother on March 1, Tapping for self confidence on February 29, Personal peace procedure on March 3, etc.  Aunty plans to “attend” some of those freebies and has to write the days down on her calendar in order not to miss them. Here is the link to access each live daily (available for 24 hours) event: http://www.thetappingsolution.com/2016event/live.php – hope this helps everyone!]

It is quite pleasant, something that is free to do, and in line with socks being magic in Aunty’s quest for excellent health and well being.  There are other links to different tapping modes but for now Aunty felt very good about this starter tapping exercise and is now motivated to gather all the books in the house in one big pile and sort with Marie Kondo’s criteria of joy.  Aunty’s fear of having a clutter-free house is soon to be conquered.

Happy feet, tapping fingers, clean house.  Sounds quite wonderful, doesn’t it?


No get huhu

angrybirdYou know the feeling – getting huhu is when you get all mad and ticked off.  One of Aunty’s jobs is answering the phone, like a dispatcher or receptionist.  Most people are nice – especially sales people until you inform them that you aren’t interested in claiming your millions of dollars from the Reader’s Digest sweepstakes.

Some people are quite rude because they only want to speak with the boss instead of the receptionist.  Aunty usually bites her lip and holds back.   However, during her peak menopausal days of hormone changes and self-righteousness, Aunty was guilty of snapping at them and losing customers.  Ho! da terrible, yeah?  Maybe so, but it felt good at the time.

On the other side of the counter, back in the day when Aunty was a youngster, going into stores like Carol and Mary or McInerny’s (you remember them?) was like entering a freezer – the cold shoulder, the degrading looks, the down their nose attitude because their radars could tell that Aunty didn’t have money.

So Aunty would feel huhu, as well as hurt.  Not good – snapping back at rude people or getting mad and shame because of rude salespeople.  All water under the bridge, as they say, but still, those experiences left some scars and regrets.


Each work day, Aunty gets an email from Paul Tamashiro’s Daily Market Update.  Aunty subscribes to his free email service because he sends out the most current mortgage rates for 15 year/30 year/Jumbo/VA, etc. loans as well as an interesting article related to real estate and/or the economy.  He also provides some pretty wonderful quotes from known and unknown sources.

One of today’s quotes (from an anonymous source) was:

“When someone is nasty or treats you poorly, don’t take it personally. It says nothing about you and a lot about them.”

Oh man!  Is that a good one, or is that a good one!?!

Mahalo to Paul, who can be reached at paul.tamashiro@guaranteedrate.com.  Aunty never met or spoke with him, but would bet that he is a nice person.