Dragons and Octopus

I am a confessed Korean drama junkette BUT ever since I binge watched all the episodes and then the movie of Downton Abbey, Korean dramas have been topped and many of the offerings on Netflix do not thrill me like before. Have you watched Downton Abbey? The snobby Mary and the marvelous grandmother, Lady Violet and the plots, scenery, costumes, characters, time setting, etc. make it so deliciously memorable – and it got me spoiled.

So now I watch movies – mostly on Netflix – and they guiltily fill my evenings (actually waste my evenings). This week I found 2 that are outstanding and worth watching.

The first one is “Birth of the Dragon”. It is set in San Francisco with Bruce Lee in 1964 before he really got famous. He fought with a Shaolin kung fu master Wong Jack Man in an epic fight. I did not care for the actor who portrayed Bruce Lee – too smiley, cocky, and punk looking, but perhaps that is how he was in real life. I really liked Wong Jack Man and thought he was cute. Aunty Blossom is portrayed by “China’s Oprah Winfrey” Jin Xing. I google searched her because she looked like the Chinese girlfriend of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’s ex-husband (see how I watch too much Netflix?). And it turns out that she is transgender. But I digress. The movie was well done and in English. It is based on a true story and fight. Not the typical Kung Fu movie with revenge and corny lines that Uncle used to love. Here is the trailer (isn’t the monk cute?)

The second really good movie that I watched on Netflix was “My Octopus Teacher”. I was surprised that I liked it so much. A movie about a man who finds an octopus in the kelp forest at sea? For real? Actually, it was for real, and SO well done. The photography is beautiful and the octopus stole the show. She was so smart and amazing. I don’t remember if the filmmaker named her but they had a relationship for over a year. I fell in love with that octopus without a name, and as a result, I don’t want to eat tako (octopus in Japanese) anymore. Here’s the trailer. Btw, the trailer doesn’t do it justice. The movie is awesomesauce.

10 thoughts on “Dragons and Octopus

  1. Yup. Watched all of Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife and Octopus Teacher. I don’t think we’ve seen Birth of the Dragon though. I shall have to tell Art. We’ve been watching the Lucifer series. Thank you for the recommendations.

    • And I have been hooked into the Friday Night Lights series. High school Texas football. A bit too promiscuous in high school and so much drinking, but the passion for football is amazing.

  2. I loved the octopus movie, and now I’m going to watch the other one you like so much. And yes, Downton Abbey has spoiled boring series for all of us! I’d watch it again if there wasn’t so much else to absorb. 🙂

    • Well, you might not like the Kung Fu movie because it is a bit violent. I might watch Downton Abbey again one of these days. Though knowing what is going to happen takes away that bit of uneasiness and suspense.

  3. I’ve seen both movies, the first a long time ago and the one on the Octopus I think sometime this past spring. I really liked the octopus one though it hasn’t stopped me from eating them when served. I’ve never killed one and probably wouldn’t, especially after that movie. It made me wish that I lived near an ocean and was proficient at diving.

    • You are a movie buff! My husband would fish and go spear fishing. He would use fresh octopus for bait. Sometimes he would cook them on the grill. Very delicious. I never realized what intelligent amazing creatures they are. This one would be too smart to catch.

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