from “Miss Granny”
Miss Granny is still Aunty’s favorite Korean drama movie. A grouchy old lady who sacrificed her youth and life to raise a son who loves her – but still, she is a grouchy old lady that not too many people liked. One day she decides to get her funeral picture done because Korean funerals all have a nice 8×10 photo of the deceased looking their best surrounded with rows of flowers. She walks into a very good photo studio with amazing results.
Over a year ago, Aunty and a few friends hired Jalna to take our individual funeral pictures – several shots in various poses, and all in clear perfect flattering focus. These would come in handy for “that” day when a funeral picture is needed so our families don’t have to go scrambling around to find a smiling picture to put in the frame. Most local funerals that Aunty have gone to show a nice color photo of the deceased that has been cropped from a group photo, and not in the best of focus or setting because most local people don’t go to photo studios for individual head shots.
Then came the iPhoneX with portrait mode
And now, everyone can have a funeral picture of themselves, their family members, their friends, their dogs, etc. that is of Korean drama funeral worthiness.
Awesomesauce, really awesomesauce. Aunty is still learning how but all kinds of filters are available at the touch of a finger, sliding this way, that way, making backgrounds diffuse, disappear, get brighter, cartooney, etc.! There is more to find out – and one of the best bonuses of having an iPhone is the support at the Apple Stores and the nice folks there.
If you are ever at Kahala Mall and stop in the Apple Store there and say hello to Kale. Cracked Aunty up when he spelled his name K-A-L-E after pronouncing it Ka-lay. Super nice young man who would even make Miss Granny feel special.
An OOOPS update!!!
A few days AFTER Aunty got her new iPhoneX, guess what happened. Apple released its news of the newer iPhone 11! Aaargh!
However, because of poor timing, Apple will offer a credit of $100 to offset the pain. Or, better yet, if Aunty returns her “old” iPhoneX within 14 days, the entire charge will be reversed and Aunty can start over again and purchase the newest Apple phone beginning on Sept 20 either online or at the store. Aunty will do that but will be without a phone for a week. That is rather scary but then we didn’t have portable phones back in the day and meanwhile all the files will be stored in that mysterious iCloud until the new phone arrives.
Will it be worth the wait and inconvenience? Maybe so. The new iPhone has 3 (THREE) crazy looking lenses under super tough glass and longer battery life. Potentially Aunty can do awesome videos to post here. Potentially, possibly, perhaps. Another “we’ll see” in another chapter of Miss Aunty’s life.
We have a landline and a flip phone. It works for us. As for funerals, we plan to just have a private burial ceremony with only the immediate family.
Nice and simple!
Oh yes… I’d get the newest iPhone too.
Let us all know how you make it through the week!
Oh, it was great at first, and then I got my old phone back for a few days. I missed the apps and being able to text.
However, there were some glitches with storing everything in the iCloud because special apps that are tied to banking and security had to be re-verified, which was a pain. I may have to go through that again since my new iPhone has arrived – though it is a small hurdle that will be worth the trouble.
How exciting!! I think it’ll be worth the wait.
I think so too! Very weird without a cellphone, though. A sort of freedom of being disconnected.