Like an Ohmmmmmmmm, for your lungs

Aunty is not a doctor of medicine so this is not medical advice.  Aunty must say that as a disclaimer, and also because Aunty sometimes tries weird (and wonderful) stuff.

Decades ago, in my twenties,  I attended a workshop on iridology (the study of the eyes) from the renown Dr. Bernard Jensen.  He stressed diet (you are what you eat), herbs and healthy lifestyles, attitudes and choices.

He did not like the choices of the traditional medical doctors which were dominated with 2 therapies – drugs and surgery.  He, and Dr. Richard Schulz ( were constantly criticized for their radical and risky therapies of nutrition, cleansing and herbal remedies.  Their retort was to ask: what is more radical and risky:   a) cutting or interchanging parts out of the body and/or bombarding the body with chemicals that have the ability to blast through and destroy cells and systems; or b) clean out and flush toxins from the colon and other body parts and then use natural plants and herbs to aid in the healing process?


Aunty feels that the main difference in modern vs alternative (sometimes referred to as pseudoscientific) medicine is that modern medicine treats the symptoms and the subsequent side effects and natural alternative medicine treats the causes.  To be a believer in alternative medicine, one must also believe that the body is capable of healing itself.

This is not to say that Aunty does not believe in modern medicine at all.  Because of the dedication, research, and the leaps and bounds of medical discoveries, modern medicine helps and is sometimes the reason we live long and well.  It’s also faster – take a pill and your headache goes away, put a stent in your arteries and your blood flows again, get a pace maker and your heart beats the way it should.

It is also the standard of choice for most people, and an easy way out.  Going the all natural route of diet or cleansing, changing one’s lifestyle and actually exercising and revamping attitudes takes a lot of effort, and it goes against the mainstream way of life, subjecting the ones who do the “radical” naturopathic route to ridicule and condemnation sometimes, “Oh yeah, so-and-so didn’t believe in going to a regular doctor, did only natural stuff and he died.”  A question to ask then is, has anyone ever died due to the intervention of modern medicine?  Drug overdose, mistakes and misdiagnosis, surgical errors, etc.?

It doesn’t hurt

So, in a roundabout way, Aunty comes back to the “Ohmmmmmmmmm” of this subject, for this “self healing of lungs” is neither naturopathic or modern medicine.  It’s other realm kind of stuff from Master Sha.  Whether or not you believe him to be a healer or not, this leap of faith into a different kind of exercise may make you a believer in your self, and your body’s power to heal.

Basically, it is: Sitting up straight, contracting the perinium (down there, ahem), placing a hand over the lower chakra (just below the belly button) and the other hand over the lungs, imagining golden light while chanting “Compassion”.  It sounds weird but very do-able.  Aunty’s doctors will probably not think much of it, but if it works for even one person, the weirdness is worth it.  Greater lung capacity and removing blockages is a good thing, right?

This Normal Aunty still goes to the doctor and sometimes (but not always) takes his advice.  Naturopathic Aunty takes nutritional supplements and herbal formulas for elimination (tmo, lol).  Weird Aunty is always looking at other methods for cures and maintenance of good health and wellness, because Aunty believes there is so much more that we do not yet understand until we search or take notice of what is revealed.

And thus, I share, for truly, I wish you good health, great lungs, and a long and prosperous happy life.

Your normally weird Aunty



6 thoughts on “Like an Ohmmmmmmmm, for your lungs

  1. I’ve always used natural means of healing as well as spiritual : ). It just feels better for me…and it also gives me peace of mind. Yes, I’ve been “told” by a medical doctor that I need to take the pharmaceutical meds for my health needs because “the other stuff” is causing bad lab results. So, it’s ok to feel like crap taking synthetics and get good lab results than feel fantastic with natural plants and have bad lab numbers? To each his own. Your choice. My God is in control. : )

    • If they only look at the numbers, they will believe that drugs are helping. The problem with that is, numbers can improve, but side effects, more drugs, and more testing and tweaking will happen until patients are on a hamster wheel of constantly needing drugs to maintain numbers.

      I believe that we must be our own judge of what works for our individual selves.

  2. This is pretty much my wife’s philosophy, although she spends more time in doctor’s offices than she does on the golf course, which is plenty. However, she usually doesn’t take their prescribed medicines any longer than it takes to prove to her that it didn’t help. Then it’s back to Korean/Oriental herbs and remedies that she swears by.

    I think it’s all genes.

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