Pliers and Catch up

I do believe one of the rules of successful blogging is to post at least once a week. Ha! So I am doing unsuccessful blogging and not stressing about it. When my techie son comes in October (from Portugal!), I will ask him to reinstall Google adsense which places ads on my website – but I want more subtle ads – like maybe only one on a page.

Older and maybe wiser, but more forgetful
I got older – but I think I am a bit healthier because I take exercise classes at the Kaimuki YMCA. I take the Silver and Fit chair/weights/resistance bands classes on Tuesday and Wednesday with Yoli. She plays the best music and makes all of us energized and happy. TaiChi got moved to 6:45 am – yikes! So I only do the Thursday afternoon practice session with Mike. I just stopped doing Jazzercise because I have more morning events at the Hawaii Potter’s Guild, the pace was too energetic for me since my speed is TaiChi and sit down stuff.

Moving and change
My move from upstairs to downstairs is complete but I still have SO much stuff! I donate to Re-Use Hawaii (temporarily closed while they find a place to relocate) and Savers (senior discount of 30% on Tuesdays!). And I began selling on ebay under 3 user names – bead_bozu, thcollection, and honoluluaunty. Why 3 user names? Not sure – but I have always made my life more complicated than it needs to be. Ebay has gotten even easier to list items for sale and is helping me clear out things that my kids won’t want (which makes me sad).

I now have 2 cute hapa grandsons and 1 cute hapa granddaughter. But I do not babysit. I am being selfish and want to have my own time to do what I want. I do occasionally watch the 2 little ones since they live upstairs from me. But boy! parenting is such hard work! I had 4 young ones and I really don’t remember how I got through each day and the passing years.

And now, the tip of the day!

We have young new neighbors across the street. Chika and her family bought the house that used to have single guys who did short term rentals and the yard was a mess with bushes of haole koa as well as cars everywhere. They really cleaned up the yard, renovated the house, and trimmed the trees so it now looks great! And she loves to do yardwork – just like me!

So one day I was clearing out a patch of weeds to make room for a puakenikeni tree. I had so many keiki haole koa growing – and those roots are deep and tough to pull. Chika saw me struggling and came over with an old plier and started pulling out ALL of them very quickly and rather easily!


So that is the tip of the day. Save your old pliers and put them in your gardening tool bag. Below are pictures of roots that I would never have been able to remove without disturbing the root ball of a night blooming jasmine tree that I was given. They were just skinny deep roots that were part of a grass weed that could have become a problem, but are now exterminated. Thank you to young Chika! Goes to show that you can teach an old dog aunty new tricks!

Don’t Floss?

Okay, I had my root canal done by Dr. Nozomi Yamauchi over at Island Endodontics a couple of weeks ago. How was it? Longer than anticipated because my tooth was quite endangered. But it was also very wonderful because of the gadgets that are employed (mouth trampoline, soft block to hold my mouth open, and the most comfortable chair to relax in and headphones to listen to music. He is located in the most beautiful building in Kaimuki – 3660 on the Rise, and fully validates parking (I was there for TWO hours!).

I was worried that I would have extreme pain and recovery but I had zero pain that day and night, except for the area where the numbing shot went into my gum line. He had to cut away some of my gums (deep and invasive decay) so I was told to keep that area free from food debris with rinses. This was easy to do since I had started Dr. Ellie Phillips’ rinse, brush, and rinse, rinse procedure. I was shown pictures of my abscessed tooth and the after pictures of a ceramic post (which was then covered with a temporary “tooth”.

Yesterday I went to see my wonderful dentist, Hideki Kurokawa (808) 538-0047 for a cleaning with my favorite dental hygienist Liane (she cracks me up) and to schedule a crown. I told her about Dr. Ellie’s rinse brush rinse rinse protocol with certain sodium fluoride products and she commented about how glossy my teeth had become. She was a bit taken aback when I mentioned not flossing. She also showed me how to brush the gumline and teeth with a diagonal motion rather than straight across to really get into the pockets of teeth and gum.

She spoke to Dr. Kurokawa about what I was doing and when he came in for the consult, he said to keep doing what I was doing. According to Dr. Ellie, if my mouth is in optimal health and my saliva is doing what it should be doing and not acid from sugar, foods, etc., cavities can actually be reversed. I have this one cavity right on the top of my front tooth that will be the guinea pig for this. It is so visible and easy to monitor.

What Dr. Kurokawa said was very interesting. He said many things do work for peoples’ health and well being but it also depends on whether or not people actually do what needs to be done. I raise my hand in guilt. But this one – I WILL do. And I just received my order of Zellie’s Xylitol gum and mints (it took 2 weeks to get to me!) and will have a gum after every meal, drink or snack. Did you know that in Finland they give Xylitol gum to the little children after their lunch and recommend it to pregnant mothers so they combat the ravages of decay in their mouths?

But I digress. To floss or not to floss. Here is Dr. Ellie Phillips presenting her side of the story. And if I do floss, it will be when my mouth is full of Crest Anti-Cavity toothpaste.

Update: Pal Cleta is doing Dr. Phillips’ protocol and had a very good dental exam recently. Hurray! I, myself, am beginning to take my cleaner teeth and mouth for granted – but it really is so much cleaner and feels so much more healthy. It is quite wonderful that I stopped wanting to just pull out all of my teeth and wear dentures.

This tip is for Cleta. Those Act mouth rinse bottles are different from the other bottles with measured doses by squeezing the bottle. I liked that feature and now have the CloSys mouth rinse and the Listerine mouth rinse in the Act bottles. To do that, I pull out the tube thing that sticks up from the “cup” with long nosed pliers. Then I am able to fill the empty Act bottles with either Listerine or CloSys. Put the tube thing back in the bottle, cover with a paper towel and use a small hammer to pound it back in place. I peel off the old Act label (leaves a very stick residue) and then put the CloSys label in its place. I do the same with Listerine (though that label is rather difficult to remove). Then, tadaaa! I have 3 very easy to use rinses that give me just the right amount of liquid for each step. Hope this is a good tip to others!

Reversing cavities

I am SO tired of having rotten teeth. I am at the point where I want to pull them all out and wear dentures. Remember dentures? All the old people had them and they would take them out and soak them in a jar on the nightstand, and then put them back into their mouths when they get up to eat breakfast.

Of course, I am to blame for the condition of my teeth because I love my Coca Cola, my Good News candy bar, chocolate chip cookies and constantly snacking while I watch movies and series on Netflix.

Recently one of my teeth really hurt and a trip to the dentist (Hideki Kurokawa – who is a really great dentist) confirmed a cavity that is causing inflammation. Not good. Not good at all so I will be having a root canal done this week by Nozomu Yamauchi at Island Endodontics. Dr. Noz is super good – really super good. And I can say this because I have a mouthful of teeth that have been root canaled by many different endodontists, and Dr. Noz is the best by far.

Meanwhile, cruising on Google for information on rotten teeth solutions (I really just want to pull them out), I came across a lady dentist who looked to be my age and she talked on my level. Her name is Dr. Ellie Phillips. She said I can reverse cavities by re-mineralizing my tooth enamel with some simple tips and a small lifestyle change. I watched and listened, and then I watched and listened some more, following her links and other videos that she has produced. One of them said to stop flossing.

What?!??? Stop flossing? That is almost sacrilegious! But truth to tell, flossing is a chore I would love to give up. Reverse cavities? I don’t think so – but then I do hope that it is possible. Strangely and coincidentally, I picked up a bag of Xylitol gum at 7-11 this morning with my spicy ahi inari sushi (ono!) because it called to me – and this was before I watched Dr. Ellie.

So long story short, I will recap who she and others said.

Demineralization of the tooth enamel causes holes. To stop caries (pre cavity stage), limit sugar, stop infection of outside surface of tooth by correcting PH levels to alkaline and give it the minerals that a healthy microbiome needs in the mouth. Use sodium floride with rinses and brush teeth with Crest Cavity Prevention toothpaste and Listerine Cool Mint flavor. If you feel you must floss (not recommended by Dr. Ellie), then do so when you have toothpaste in your mouth.

After meals, chew on Xylitol gum. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that inhibits plaque from sticking to your teeth and has long term effects for oral health. It is highly recommended for pregnant mothers because babies are born with healthy microbiomes from the start and it lays the foundation for good oral health for life. Xylitol has a very long term effect – 5 years after stopping use in a trial test, participants still had good oral health and less cavities.

Stop nibbling and sipping between meals. Saliva needs to be present to nurture and mineralize the teeth, and sipping or eating washes away our saliva until it is replaced, which takes about an hour.

There is much more information, and watching one video can lead to others such as how to whiten teeth naturally. The commercial methods to whiten teeth actually destroy and weaken teeth so I’ll stick to having my yellow teeth. However, I did bite the bullet and ordered Dr. Ellie’s kit (Crest toothpaste, rinses, Listerine, and Xylitol mints) because I am a believer. Her gum is cheaper than the one at 7-11 and reviews of the fruit flavored one says it tastes like Juicy Fruit gum – yum!

So, maybe I will keep all my teeth and be happy with them. That would be nice, right?

Update: I was informed that they can’t ship the kit to me due to shipping restrictions! What a bummer! Ah well, I can still order the gum and/or mints (on sale until May 14, 2024) at 20% off. I will go to Longs and get the kit products since they are all over the counter stuff.

Great quotes

I saw this great quote by Anthony Hopkins on Pinterest:
“None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else.”

I LOVE this! Especially about eating delicious food and being weird.

Clicking on this and exploring more took me to pages of other wonderful quotes by other rather famous people.

Contrary to Anthony Hopkins, Hippocrates had great wisdom for better health: “Before you heal someone, ask him if he is willing to give up the things that made him sick.” Sigh. I tend to like Anthony’s advice better…

Robin Williams’ one was a bit sad – but I can relate to it. “I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.”

Einstein had several great ones, “Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.” and “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”

Not sure if you can open up this link but if you can opening it up is a pageful of quotes that have me nodding in agreement. Older people do have wisdoms that make us smile and get sad at the same time.

Jazzercise for Aunty. Really?

Cool for Kupuna is a weekly show on Sundays at 5:30pm on KITV2. I don’t get tv stations but I can watch past episodes on their website.

Sue Jorgenson is a returning local (Kaimuki!) gal who interviews, visits, and tries all kinds of interesting things around the island that us old mature people would enjoy. I recently met her at the Hawaii Potters Guild when she had a lesson in wheel throwing and panned over the hand building area (where my good friend Esther Nowell used to teach and still plays on Mondays.). This episode will air on Sunday, March 24, 2024 on KITV2.

Her January 14, 2024 episode featured Kaimuki (for the 3rd time) and featured W&M Hamburger and Jazzercise at the Kaimuki YMCA. I watched it, saw seniors moving and moving slowly, and I thought to myself, “Self, you can do this. You really DO need to exercise!” So I joined the YMCA on a monthly basis ($59/mo), signed up for Jazzercise ($15/mo) and went to my first class yesterday morning at 8:00. I figured earlier is better so I can eat breakfast after class instead of moving around with food in the tummy and then having to go. You know what I mean by “go.”

Well, there were some people younger than me, a few that were older, the room was air conditioned and totally not crowded and I was raring to go! (NOT that kind of “go”, but the other kind of “GO!”)

It started off slow – tap, tap, double tap tap, and arms up, up, sway, sway, stretch, shift – nice and easy for the warm up. I liked it! Except it then started adding more steps and different songs and a faster tempo, more steps, slide, ball change, kick, kick, turn, arms up, over, out, all at the same time as legs and feet moving to the beat – and I was SO out of my comfort zone of being a couch potato. I had to sit it out when they grabbed their weights and did a couple more songs and routines. I wanted to go home already. I joined back into the group for the “cool down” – my favorite part.

It wasn’t fun yet. It was mental and physical torture because I didn’t know the steps and my body was not used to an hour of intentional movement. That Cool for Kupuna video (shown below) slowed down the participants in class so I wasn’t expecting that my heart would race, my head swimming with frustration, and me looking like the oldest one there because of being two beats behind them and confused.

Oprah Winfrey, in her book “Things That I Am Sure Of” spoke about determination. If you determine something, the universe and all the powers that be will conspire to make it come true.

And so, as I took my break sitting on a chair and watching the enthusiastic teacher (Caroline Dang) and her devoted students moving and grooving to the upbeat music, I said to myself, “Self, I am determined to become really good at Jazzercise – and I will dance again.”

And so, I will continue.

Episode 42

Update: I went to my 2nd Jazzercise class but this time I ate my regular breakfast of oatmeal, yogurt and coffee a bit earlier than usual. Was able to “go” before class and showed up a little bit late. And I did it! I wasn’t feeling woozy or weak, but still out of sinc with the dance steps. I didn’t do the weights but I didn’t sit it out. It’s happening and I am so glad for it! I guess I should not go on an empty stomach.

4 Things your Brain Needs

This was a link from Mark Ford, a writer, author, expert in investing, etc. that I like to follow. And after watching this, I also started following Dr. Chatterjee who does weekly podcasts. One of them was a very short one about doing what you love. I am going out to weed in the garden now – because I love that.

Kung Hei Fat Choi

Mahalo to Serena for sending me this dragon made with oranges pic

May you have a prosperous, healthy, and happy new year in this wonderful lunar year of the DRAGON!

(Aunty is a Dragon, rooooaaaarrrr!)

Not good, not good at all

Sometimes Costco has pretty good packaged foods. Sometimes it just isn’t to my taste so I don’t like it but this time, it was really not good at all.

It was on sale. Regular $13.99. Now $9.99 with $4 off! Cannot go wrong – 2 servings, only $5 each and super easy to make. Put the dried noodles in a sauce pan, pour sauce over and heat until hot (about 8 – 10 minutes) on stove top. Super easy!

Looks junk, tastes more junk

Super easy, but also super junk! Especially if you like Pad Thai. Maybe if you didn’t know what Pad Thai is supposed to taste like, you might think the mushy kinda tomato sauce with bell peppers (I don’t like bell peppers) was okay. But if you know how good Pad Thai can be when it is stir fried with fresh ingredients and served hot and aromatic and each bite is heavenly, then you will definitely NOT like this fake Pad Thai.

Just wanted to send out a warning. I was sucked in by the big sale price. Buyer beware!


I couldn’t go on the keto diet because I love my rice. One of my favorite meals consists of frying up some Portuguese sausages and eating it with hot white rice and some tsukemono on the side.

Since I now live alone, I just make one cup of rice in my Tiger rice cooker. I usually eat half of that and leave the rice in the pot on warm. If I take too long to eat it, it gets hard and crusty on the edges and mushy inside. Yuck. It gets thrown away – which is such a waste.

So my son (I wonder if I can call him my Portuguese son since he now lives in Portugal?) taught me a rice saver tip. I put the remaining half cup of cooked rice in a sandwich size ziploc bag, roll it up, and put it in the freezer. When I am ready to eat a meal with rice, I remove the rolled rice from the bag, zap it on a plate in the microwave for a minute – and I have perfectly cooked rice that is almost as good as when it was first cooked. As a matter of fact, because it is so convenient, I now make 2 cups of rice, eat my 1/2 cup, and put the remaining rice in 3 separate ziplock bags with date. SO much easier than starting from scratch.

Rice Snob

I am also a rice snob. I only buy short grain rice from the Rice Factory where they mill my order on the day that I place my order. I am signed up with my phone number and get points that accrue for discounts. Love it!

I recently discovered their Yumepirika crop which is longer than their short grain and super delicious. Sometimes short grain rice is too short so this new crop is perfect for me and I am addicted.

And here is a tip: If you call in your order or order online, you get DOUBLE the points for your order!!! Woohoo!