Spell a Phone number and number your life

Personality/character analysis based on your name.  PaulSadowski.com is a website that will give you a free report on what your name means.  Pretty cool stuff – enter your full name, and you get a printable report giving you your numbers and the characteristics of those numbers.  Pretty spot on for me.  Goes to show that it is very important what you name your kids!  You can also get your birthday calculator done, but I strongly suggest you don’t access that on the same computer and/or day that you enter your full name, just being safe here.

I used to be able to remember phone numbers.  I also used to be able to remember why I walked into a room.  So now, if someone gives me their phone number and I want to remember it, I go to PhoneSpell.com, put in their phone number, and I get all the possible alpha combinations so I can remember their number later on my keypad.  It doesn’t always give you a real word, but sometimes it works just fine.

Just some fun stuff for you!

On overcoming limits

This one came from Daughter #2, our Starlie, since she knows how much we love soccer.  This daughter will also be on Wheel of Fortune on April 22, so please tune in and cheer her on that evening!

How to peel lots of garlic – fast!

Thanks to Amy Lynn Andrews’ Saveur link, here’s how to peel a whole head of garlic, super fast!  This is a great tip for those times when you need a LOT of garlic, as in the Garlic Mayo Grilled Shrimp recipe.

In case you cannot view this video, food editor Todd Coleman smashes a whole head of garlic with the palm of his hand (some garlic cloves fly around), then he puts all of the cloves into a large stainless bowl, covers it with an identical bowl (it looks like a ball), and shakes it hard for a few seconds.  Voila!  Peeled garlic!

How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds from SAVEUR.com on Vimeo.

Brain Fitness Hawaii Review

Our daughter signed up for Brain Fitness Hawaii sessions because of anxiety last year.  She did well and suggested that I also try it, since I am always under stress.

It is true.   Aunty IS always under stress, juggling too many things, taking care of too much stuff.  Stress makes Aunty thrive.  However, this time, I was at a point in my life with a truckload of crap of my shoulders.  I had extreme tension, and my body, psyche, and emotions were at a boiling point.

Was time to go

I signed up for 10 2 hour sessions for $1200, which was a super discounted price for Aunty.  Best results are achieved with the series of 10 – this will ensure that the benefits of the therapy are more permanent.

Dr. Hana Yin is a beautiful warm doctor with one foot in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and the other in modern technological advances for our brain.  She speaks softly and listens deeply.  Each session is tailored to the individual depending on what they need from day to day.  Her place is hard to find the first time, it is on Ena Road, the street behind the Alana Waikiki Hotel.  Aunty learned to valet park at the Alana Waikiki and walk through the lower parking to enter the Alana Waikiki Business Center.

First session

The first session was to help me deal with the intensity of my stress.  Earpods in my ears would bleep and ping, with occasional music and soothing voices.  A pair of light pulsing shades (keep eyes closed!) played patterns that filled my “vision”.

A bit strange, but I felt calmer and went to attend a commitment that very evening that I was not looking forward to.  This session must have helped because I was not on edge, I think I seemed very normal, I was able to handle some rather shocking events there with ease.  Thank you, Dr. Hana!

2nd session

This was about building my imaginary safe place, soaring, making a nice place to be.  This time, the first half was pleasant music and reading soothing philosophies on the tv screen.  Very “new age” music and art promoting peace, love, forgiveness and all the stuff that we really do need, whether we know it or want it.

3rd session

This was about relationships, and Dr. Hana led me through a series of imaginary steps to visualize confrontations or issues with people in my past and present.  For some odd reason, I felt more stressed after the session.  I was told to go home and take at least 30 minutes for myself in a quiet space, and spoil and take care of myself.  I began to journal, handwriting my thoughts, my wants, my needs.  Dr. Hana insisted that it be handwritten, and so I complied.

By this time, although I still had that truckload of crap that I was carrying, I felt that it would be okay.  That is a good thing.

4th session and others

The 4th session was about love and miracles.  Mostly eyes closed and visualization.  It made me very tired and I dozed off several times.  Dr. Hana also did a stress test on my brain to see how elastic it is.  She said I did well.

The sessions that followed were not as powerful as the previous ones, and, truth to tell, Aunty forgot what most of them were about – Dr. Hana tailored each session to what I needed at the time.

10 sessions in a row felt like a work schedule towards the end – but Aunty kept on going because Dr. Hana said that 10 sessions would really make the benefits of the therapy last for good.  The last 2 sessions were pretty heavy stuff, and Aunty fell asleep several times.  Dr. Hana would say that was great.

Sometimes the vocals or music would be irritating to Aunty and cause more stress.  If it is so for you, let Dr. Hana know so she can check the brainwave patterns and adjust for beneficial results.

Sometimes Aunty would get some AHA! moments of wisdom, some were fleeting, some stayed with me.  Example is about holding on. (note to Aunty -link to post after formatting.)

Did it work?

It really did!  In the beginning, Aunty was a stress case heading for a wreck because of extreme stress, racing heart, with a vise grip tightness on neck and shoulders.  Much of this was caused by current issues in Aunty’s life – Uncle’s health and one of our kid’s problems.  Aunty was at the point of it being really bad, shaking Aunty’s world.

Slowly a calmness would take over, and sometimes it would feel like a cloak of peace enveloping me and making everything just fine.

The power of peace

They say that love conquers all, and all you need is love, etc. etc.  Maybe that is true for some people, but what Aunty needed was inner peace, to be able to chill out and accept things as they are.  It’s good stuff and it’s still working, like riding on the Peace Train.

Check it out for yourself

The Brain Fitness services web page lists a lot of different products and services.  Unfortunately the services are not covered under medical health plans.  It really should be because then there would be a lot more contented people who are able to deal with their problems.

If you do go to see Dr. Hana, please tell her aloha from Aunty.

Peace be with you,



To Tweet, or not to Tweet

https://twitter.com/HonoluluAunty*Update:  Aunty was tweeted by Yunji de Nies!  Not sure what that meant, but daughter said that was awesome! 

Aunty was totally clueless about tweeting.  It sounded like something new and irritating.  However, Chad Lamothe opened up a Twitter account for Aunty when he redesigned the website.   He set it up to do something that Aunty did not understand with her latest posts.  It didn’t hurt or cost money, so, whatever!

Last night at the March HIMA meeting, Lane Muraoka of Big City Diner answered questions about tweeting and Twitter for his business.  Aunty was NOT interested in Twitter because of ignorance, but went to the meeting anyway because the HIMA folks are great, and Aunty believes in supporting great causes.  (Also, each time Aunty goes to a HIMA meeting, lightbulbs go off in Aunty’s head.)

Well, surprise, surprise!  Another lightbulb went off after Lane’s presentation!  Tweeting can be kinda awesome!

So, this morning, Aunty tweeted – one to Lane (@BCDlane) and one to Hawaiian Airlines.  The result?  Dunno…..yet.  Maybe more traffic to Aunty’s website?  Maybe access to the latest deals from those businesses?

If anything, it was making new connections, which could lead to more connections.  It’s a way for Aunty to share her latest posts.  It may be more work because of checking in, but it’s fun, like Facebook but less wordy and more control, and not irritating!

If you see a post that you like from Aunty, please tweet it by clicking on the little blue bird icon if you have a Twitter account.  Don’t have a Twitter account?  Ask somebody to help you set one up.  You can ignore it, or you can connect with it.

For Aunty, this is a Star Trek moment in time, just before warp speed, entering into another dimension.

Mahalo to Lane Muraoka of Big City Diner and HIMA!

HIMA – Hawaii Internet Marketers Association

Back in November 2013, Aunty attended the first HIMA meeting, not really knowing what she was getting into.  Aunty went just to support Randy Fujinaka’s new venture because Randy is such a good guy.

Aunty and GeebzGeorge Del Barrio and Thomas Trentz were the main speakers.  Tom’s presentation was good – high tech power point slides and how to reach and utilize the internet to help market ourselves.  Geebz’s (George Del Barrio) was much more informal and spontaneous, using social media as the springboard.  Both were experts in their fields, and Aunty learned tons!  The following month’s meeting featured Kristen Robinson – a powerhouse in social media marketing.

For $10, HIMA provides a nice meeting at the Manoa Library (lots of parking), food (!) and water, and dynamic experts on timely topics sharing their techniques and wisdom.  After that first meeting, Aunty gladly signed up for her annual membership of $100 with HIMA.  We even got door prizes, and Aunty met so many others in the room by networking and talking story.

On the first Tuesday of each and every month, we get treated to great speakers that can help ANYBODY who has a business or a need to get their needs out.  These meetings are events that get the light bulbs popping on in our head.  They help us find our genius, our roadmap, our growth.

Here is a link to the March 4th event, starring the owner of Big City Diner (yum!) and how he incorporates Twitter into his business model, as well as other business insights: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hawaii-internet-marketers-association-march-4th-event-with-lane-muraoka-tickets-10652681457

Hope to see you!

Review of Alternate Energy Inc.

Aunty and the boys

Aunty and the boys

After years of thinking about it, Uncle decided that it was time for solar panels for our home.  The timing was great – our electrical bill was edging up to $400/month, solar companies’ prices had come down and systems were much more efficient, needing less panels and less wall space for the controls.

After getting a few quotes from other companies, we settled on Alternate Energy.  David Thompson was our point of contact, and he was excellent.  Answered all of our questions with accuracy, gave options, filed all the necessary papers, arranged inspections and even gave us an anniversary discount.  We signed papers at the end of December, and on the 1st week of January, our system was installed!

Our neighbor was amazed – he had signed up for his solar system months ago with another company and they still have yet to have it installed.  Unfortunately he had already put down his deposit and signed a contract, so he has to continue to wait (and is still waiting for almost a year).

Alternate Energy is an electrical contracting company, and most of their business is from installing solar panel systems.  The crew was impressive.  Very polite, very attentive to details, very nice young men who took pride in their workmanship and the company they represented.

We were told that the grid for our area was already filled at 100%.  That meant that we wouldn’t get the super savings in our electrical bill until Hawaiian Electric approved and accepted our system.  We still opted for it.  Watching our electrical meter go backwards was a real thrill and Uncle said that we would soon see savings on our bill.

Sure enough, our following month’s bill was about half of normal, and then, the next month’s bill was only $27!!!  Can we hear a KA-CHING?!!  We will also get Federal and State tax credits, so even more KA-CHING!

Compact, efficient controls!

Compact, efficient controls!

Uncle gets all the credit for this great idea.  He made so many calls, checked out several reviews, asked for recommendations, and really did choose the best system and the best company for our needs.  He wanted just the right number of panels – not too many and not too few.  It is a 5.72kW Residential Photovoltaic System.  We have 22 Mitsubishi panels with Solar Edge inverters that can be diagnosed on our own computers, with 100% efficiency.  This system is such an improvement over the older systems and panels.  We have a 25 year warranty on the panels, and 10 years parts and labor warranty from Alternate Energy.  Our cost before tax credits was $24,616.10.  Half down (using our Hawaiian Airlines mileage VISA) and half upon completion was a bit of a sting, but it made too much sense to go for it, and we did.

Spend now to save for the long term is a very good decision.  Kudos to Uncle the Wise, and David Thompson of Alternate Energy!

David can be reached at (808) 554-5191 or via email at david@alternateenergyhawaii.com.  Please tell him that Aunty sent you – we get referral income too!

Easy fresh pineapple!

The easiest part of preparing a pineapple is twisting off the crown from the base.  Aunty used to hate the tedious chore of removing the skin with a peeler or knife.  Many times, more of the pineapple was thrown away because of how difficult it is to score off the tough outside layer and dig out those hard “eyes” in the flesh before cutting the yummy parts into bite size pieces.

However, Aunty found a better way to slice and dice this hard fruit!

First, cut in half lengthwise, and then again, lengthwise.

Then, use a knife to scoop the fleshy part of the fruit away from the tough outer part.

Cut off the hard core portion and cut the yummy sweet juicy wedge into bite size pieces.

Eat, and enjoy.  Wasn’t that SO much easier?

[pineapple eating tip:  if the pineapple isn’t sweet enough for you, sprinkle a little bit of table salt on it.]