A few months ago I saw a coupon in those envelopes that Valpak sends to potential victims. I always save the Gyotaku restaurant coupon and there was one for Sam’s Club membership at 40% off. So I joined. (Side note: the latest Valpak deal from Sam’s Club was 50% off!)
I actually like Sam’s Club even though the parking is a bit gloomy and unfriendly. Their spring mix salad is better than Costco’s – no bitterness and it stays fresh longer. Their grapes are quite nice and the greeter at the front entrance always has a welcoming aura – like she already knows and remembers me.
The one disappointment is their chocolate – Members Mark. I tried their dark chocolate sea salt caramel because it looked and sounded awesome but – was junk.
Then, a few weeks ago, the cashier (I always go to a cashier rather than the machines) asked me if I wanted to upgrade to a Plus membership level for $27 and get an instant $20 discount on my purchases that day. Such a deal, right? So I said “Shoots!” and got upgraded. I was to go to Pharmacy to get a free gift (some samples and a bottle of water) and get my new Plus card at the membership desk.
Plenny Titas everywhere
So while waiting in the membership/return line, I had plenty of titas around me and listening to them talk was good fun. Dis buggah and dat buggah and what he wen do and how he wen do it, and no worries cuz he going get buss up if he acts up some more. The membership lady was also a tita and she took my old blue Sam’s card and swapped it out for the black card very quickly and told me about shopping online and getting free shipping, etc. And then she said that stuff like toilet paper, paper towels, etc. are cheaper online.
Really? Free shipping and cheaper? So, I went down the aisle, found the toilet paper (Member’s Mark) and the price was $31.78 for 45 rolls, 235 sheets per roll. I have tried the Member’s Mark toilet paper before and I liked it. I prefer it to Charmin because it does the job better with more “grip”, if you know what I mean. Charmin is too soft and cushioney so maybe it would be good for the face. Ah, but I digress. I made a note about how much the toilet paper cost in the store.
I went home to check SamsClub.com on my computer and the price for the Member’s Mark toilet paper was $22.98. Whoa! Almost $9 cheaper and free delivery! Boom! I placed the order in the online cart, and had it shipped to my sister in Moanalua because she goes through toilet paper like crazy. Free shipping!
How much are the paper towels online? Bounty’s 12 rolls are $23.48 and Member’s Mark 15 rolls are $19.98. I think that’s cheap but I didn’t need any because I had just bought the Kirkland paper towels for $26.49 at Costco and that will last me for a long time.
And that’s the news for now. Oh – and one more thing. I went to the new Savers on King Street where Ross used to be with pal Wandaful. It was so clean and organized and we enjoyed perusing the aisles and picking up a few things that we really didn’t need but maybe we do need. If not, we donate it back. Which reminds me – if you are over 55 years old, you get a whopping 30% off everything on Tuesdays. And, if you donate anything to the friendly people outside, you will get a coupon for 20% off, any day of the week.
I really do love a good deal. I just have to figure out where it will fit in the house now.