Anyone hear of Roger Hamilton?

I know – sounds like the name of a movie star – that 007 actor Roger something.

Roger Hamilton is a life guru.  Very wealthy, very wise, very spot on.  Would love for him to be our son-in-law.

Anywho, thanks to Raymond Aaron’s subscription, I have access to this really great interview on 8 ways to create wealth.  Download to listen or read, and grow:  Roger Hamilton interview. I usually download, import into iTunes, and then burn it on a CD so I can listen in the car or at my leisure.

It IS worth listening to, please leave a comment below on what you think of it.

More travel tips

I felt unprepared for our trip to Los Angeles recently – but the fault usually lies with me since I tend to wait until the last day to pack.

I took some notes and hope it helps.  Please also check out my other pages on travel.

Hawaiian Airlines now has fixed air conditioning vents that hit the seated passenger.  This constant airflow on my head causes my eyes to dry out more than normal and I get travel red-eye at my Mainland destination for several days.  Continue reading

Good one for achieving what you want

Craig Ballantine took over the reins of Early to Rise from Michael Masterson.  I thought that there was no way anyone could fill the void – but I am so pleasantly surprised to find that Craig is as good and sometimes even better at sharing and mentoring.

Here is a link to a video Craig has just made about achieving your goals.  It starts off the same as most goal setting advice – write down your 10 year goal – be specific – i.e. own 20 cash flow properties and be retired with all expenses paid for with the rental income, living in Waimanalo close or on the beach in a decent 3 bedroom house with separate cottage, have a little condo in town to spend time in Honolulu.  (That is Aunty’s goal and I am sharing it for the first time!)

Then, instead of breaking it down into 1 year, 2 year, 5 year goals, he said to forget about that, and instead, do a 90 day plan – identify your #1 priority for the next 3 months that will bring you closer to your 10 year goal, make that your 90 day goal, and focus on doing the things you need to do to achieve it. Aunty’s 90 day goal/plan is to get our house, office, papers in order. I have been putting out the little fires of clutter forever, and now it is time to really get it all organized. On almost all of my to do lists, “clean this” or “clear this” or “find this” has been a constant and a problem which limits my ability to do the things I really need to do to get financially fit and fulfill my big goals.

So simple, so do-able.  Check out the video of Craig’s complete presentation.  It isn’t too long, and it is just right!

Rich Dad free training review

2013-04-17_11-22-25Went to a free 2 hour Rich Dad Education “Learn to be Rich” training recently.  The speaker was an excellent salesman – offered additional training for 3 whole days in a class that would teach everything needed to get rich with real estate investing for the bargain price of $199.

I have gone through the Rich Dad seminars, beginning with the free 2 hour introductory training to the $199 (used to be $500) 3 day training, to a very expensive package of courses ($16,000 yikes!)  The trainer in the 3 day crash course was very very good at summarizing (with a little bit of wrong information) all the different techniques, which are based on advanced courses in the Rich Dad Tigrent packages.  Because of the crash course and what I learned, and the realization of how little I know, I signed up so I had a starting point and figured the advanced courses would help me get over the humps.

I took Foreclosure, Master Trader, Asset Protection, Lease Options, and Creative Real Estate Financing classes.  I learned the most from the Asset Protection class and the Master Trader (stocks) classes.  Although there was a lot of information in the other classes, most of the information taught could have been learned from books.  [What these classes teach are not really what Robert Kiyosaki preaches.  Rich Dad Education (and Rich Dad Coaching) are trademark names that pay Robert Kiyosaki royalties, use his name, face, etc. – but their content is their own.  To learn from these groups is not the same as learning from Robert Kiyosaki.]

For a few months, even after getting some classes under my belt, I remained in the “not sure of what to do” phase and did not take action.

I was contacted by Rich Dad Coaching (another company with the Rich Dad trademark but not affiliated with Rich Dad Education).  For $6000 (yikes again!), I subscribed to having my own personal coach for a 45 minute call, once a week for 16 weeks.  It came with a guarantee that I would purchase  property during the coaching period.

Even though I had a rather poor learning experience with my coaches (one spoke too softly & seemed disorganized, and the other was too impersonal and book and course oriented), it gave me a sounding board with a real person for my very first deal.  It was like having a security blanket which I really didn’t need, but it felt safer to have.

After going through 2 wrong-for-me realtors, I found Martin Fajardo, my Vegas realtor after a recommendation from our entities attorney.  I did use the Rich Dad worksheet (free to download on the tools tab) to analyze the properties Martin send me via email.  I put in offers and was thrilled when one was accepted!

Looking back, I could have skipped the Rich Dad courses, but on some level I must acknowledge that they must have helped.  All the information taught and the tools used are available for free on the internet if you know what to look for, but I probably wouldn’t have actually taken the plunge without the guilt of spending so much money, or on my own.  I had to make use of what I was learning because of the guilt; and I did dive in.

One of the best ways to learn is to play the Cash Flow game with at least 2 others.  Just by playing, you will get the shift in your mindset on the best strategies and also help you get comfortable with investing.

Join a local real estate investor club (google search for city and real estate investment club).  I joined Hawaii Real Estate Investors in 2009, annual dues of $120 or $15 per meeting.  I am glad I did because I have met some of the finest fellow investors and contacts there.  Run by Paul Xavier, HiREI brings in speakers every month with real estate specific topics to educate us all.

Read a lot of books, search and learn.  If you can do these things on your own, then do it.

If you need to be pushed, coaching helps.  If you do spend that much money on courses or coaching, make sure you do take the steps and actually invest.

If you have already spent a lot of money on courses that will “teach you to be rich”, do something with it.  Appreciate the fact and your guts that you spent money to learn and because of just that alone, you have taken action towards your success.

A great quote I heard was “You don’t have to get it perfect.  You just have to get it going.”  True, that.

I am glad I got into investing the way I did – retirement was fast approaching, and we had to do something but didn’t even know it.  It was a necessary though expensive way for me to learn that we needed to do something.

If you haven’t yet spent a lot of money on courses, spend wisely.  [If you do buy programs and courses, remember that you always have 3 days to cancel.  It is sometimes difficult to know whether or not to cancel because you don’t have anything to look at until after that period of time, so it’s a gut feeling many times.]

Get all the free classes you can, and go to investment type meetings – though try to avoid the ones that are trying to sell you something such as annuities, insurance policies, mutual funds, bank products, etc. is a great place to get free products and see and hear from Robert Kiyosaki himself.  Browse through, sign up for his free power pack with excellent material, and sign up for his occasional webcasts in different parts of the planet – usually for a low early bird fee of $9.95.  It helps to get a lot of books, tapes on financial smarts – which I did for free at our local library.  ALL of the Rich Dad books (Rich Dad, Poor Dad/Cash Flow Quadrant/etc.) are excellent, easy to read, and loaded with great information.

Be careful of who you get advice from.  Some of the worst advice you can get is from people who have less then you.    Some guru said (don’t know who but I hear it all the time) “Never take financial advice from a poor person.”

Learn from the best – just make sure they are worth learning from.  That’s Aunty’s advice for the day.

Robert Kiyosaki Boardroom minutes by Aunty

Here are some notes I took while listening to Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, along with some of their advisers at a “Boardroom Meeting” earlier this year.  He paints a grim picture, but he does (IMO) have a finger on the pulse.

Cash is trash.  Savers are losers.  The economy is in the worse condition ever, and it is global.

Old methods don’t work anymore – so you have to ask yourself what will work.  Because of this crisis we are in, people are forced to look at creative ways instead of doing the same thing they have always done.

There will always be an economy, not matter what kind of economy, opportunities are still there, i.e. real estate deals because people want to get out of their homes and situation for much less than they paid.

Worse possible scenario is not a depression (we are in a recession and chaos right now).  Robert believes we will bypass depression and have a monetary collapse w/ 5 years of rioting.  Unfixable by government decrees (reference book, “Collapse”.)  The governments are controlled and run by the biggest corporations in the world and thus corrupt.

The good news is after the collapse, then the real economy emerges (real values of assets, real estate, etc.)   Jim Rogers of the Quantum Fund (with George Soros) said the let the system take hold, and it will come apart, will be terrible (horrible for some), but then it all becomes real again.

Estonia, 20 years ago, took a different approach from the old mother Russia, took paycuts across the board, made a balanced budget and started a country that was fiscally responsible.  Peru was going through hyper inflation, head of finance stopped propping up the government and said “God help us” and let it ride.   Now, they are in far better shape than before.

Individually make a decision if you are a US citizen or a global citizen.

In the USA, 15% don’t pay taxes (military, government workers).
We are a country that pays people who do not produce.   Unions are killing us because everyone expects to get more money as they do less.   Unions are anti-competition. Capitalism is you do more for less, Communism is you do less and get  more.  We have the mentality that the government will take care of us.  Politicians are getting government welfare.

Technology is the mode that is the tool for the greatest new ideas in today’s world.
Money of the world = gold, silver, oil.  Utah has allowed gold and silver to be currency – done like a debit card.

Oil at $82/barrel today, with rioting, Sudan, Libya, oil can get into the hands of Al Queda, can rise.  Countries are falling into the hands of people that hate the US.
Drawback with oil is liquidity.

Conservative is doing what you are comfortable with.  Creativity manages risk in a different way.

Wall Street and financial experts have done a good job of convincing people that they are should not take charge of their own finances and leave it to the “experts”.  Too much risk when you do not have control of your money.

Advantage of silver and gold is they are very liquid – can sell right away.  But have high tax rate when you sell it – 28% tax rate.  Currently $40 silver in US is selling for $40 Euros in Europe.
Make good decisions to protect your own.  Looking back, easy to see it was the time to buy gold and silver at $275 and $17 respectively.

Wayne Palmer, Robert Kiyosaki’s right hand man has a website –  He offers  1/10th oz silver dime $5.  MLM opportunity.

As screwed up as America is, Robert still invests in America, until the taxes or laws get too harsh on rich.

Investing in the US is the fastest way to get a green card.  Set up LLCs, investing in real estate and businesses.

Real estate gives great tax break, can provide liquidity with lines of credit.

If things do collapse in your country, where do you go?  Must think globally.  Will need oil, housing, food, gold.

Change your context how you think about money.  Status quo will not come back.

Treat your business as a business – set up your company properly.  Do tax planning on global basis.

How can I do things differently, What can I do, what can I produce.  Economy is moving so fast right now.  Average person is financially retarded, has lack of knowledge = fear = wants guarantees.  Want to abdicate responsibility, must become absolutely independent and capable of making your own decisions.

40% tax rate is bellweather.  Currently at 35%.

Gap between white and black families is 20 times.  Gap between rich and poor larger. Upper 1% makes 20% (before was 8%).

Be vigilent be attuned, be global, favorable to producers avoid non producers.

Be realistic. these are precarious times.  Time frame is short (1 year?)  Still haven’t seen inflation yet except in gold, silver, oil.  Instead, we see size flation (decrease in size or amount) by about 20%  Because of China we have low inflation.  Our factories are now gone.  (The US’ economy boomed after WW2 from 1944 because US had the factories that could supply the world.)

Have to create your own jobs, investments, always something you can do as an individual.

Preparation allows you to handle fear.  Entrepreneur is French word = enter in and take control.
Can’t change conditions, can’t change government.  As individuals take accountability.  Stop blaming others, stop watching wasteful television, use your time to educate and learn what next step, start thinking different and doing things different.  Remain optimistic.  This too shall pass, and it can pass to our own benefit.

Our economy will not come back, it has moved on.  Food going through the roof – farmers are old, land expensive, work is hard, not much profit.

In times of turmoil, choose your teachers wisely.  Most people have bureaucratic mindset with job security, steady paycheck, benefits, no risk.  Move into the world of entrepreneurship.

Just found – another website with fab discounts!

Thanks to friend Brenda, here is a website (suggest you bookmark it) that offers great discounts for places we all go to for ono kine grinds!  Choose the restaurant and print the coupon.  Some of the places I go to such as Makinochaya, Maple Garden, PF Changs.

One name that always catches my eye is Fook Yuen Seafood Restaurant in McCully.  Years ago, John Heckathorn reviewed the restaurant for Honolulu Magazine.  His comment at the end was – if they opened another branch – it would be called Fook Yuen II.  Say it to yourself (but softly).  That man’s reviews were always entertaining.

For more savings, please visit my other pages on saving.

Cash flow vs Cash growth

As usual, one of my favorite investment gurus has come out with another great article.  This one assumes you are 42 years old (well, I USED to be many moons ago) and with some savings of $200,000.  Of course, if you are living in Hawaii, most of your money goes to paying your monthly mortgage payments, but you might be able to swing some money out from a HELOC to make his strategy work.

Makes me really wish I was 42 again, and with the discipline to have that much saved up.  Makes me also wish I had a financial advisor like him around in my pre-Aunty days.

Here’s the article:  Cash Flow vs Cash Growth.  It links to the bottom of the article when Jeff Brown tells Aunty to get out of Vegas, with a smiley face icon.  Scroll up and read the entire excellent article.

Master Sha is da bomb.

Last night I went to McKinley High School to check out Master Sha.  It was a rather unusual event, bordering on unreal.  Uncle (being of strict Christian faith) would have been very uncomfortable with the philosophy of Divine healing power, but I really felt a connection – and lightning and thunder resonated before, during, and after -without a drop of rain.  Flickering lights as I walked to my car would become steady and bright as  I walked under them.  Very eerie – like John Travolta in Phenomenon.  I think he is the real thing – a healer, and although I really really want to learn (he will be having classes this weekend), I will put it off for now and hold the experience of seeing the possibilities in the quiet recesses of my mind.  Maybe next year when and if he comes to Hawaii again.