3 wishes

Bibidibobidiboo!Investor Todd asked me in an email today, “If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?”  What a grand question!

My answer of 3 wishes:  A kinder world.  A world without hatred and fear.  The ability to heal.

I have to chuckle a bit.  My one and all consuming wish a week ago was for our son to contact us since we hadn’t heard from in many weeks – no response to emails, letters, parcel.  I thought the aliens had abducted him.

Well, he did finally email and even gave us a phone call from Germany where he now lives.  Big wonderful relief.

So, this worried mother’s all consuming wish of just a single simple response one week changed immediately after my wish was fulfilled.  It has been replaced with wishes for massive global change and supernatural ability.

It’s all a matter of perspective and what is going on in one’s life at the time.  Life is good, LG.

I hope you have great wishes and all the good ones come true.

What are your 3 wishes?  Please comment below – you manifest what you put out in the universe.

Namaste, aloha, and shalom!