View from Dr. Chun’s 14th floor root canal chair
Today, Aunty saw the bestest dentist in Honolulu, Dr. Hideki Kurokawa (1060 Young Street, phone (808) 538-0047) because I could barely eat my morning cereal today due to extreme pain from my #19 tooth.
He looked and immediately sent me to Dr. Kimo Chun to get a root canal. Dr. Chun’s office is in the Ala Moana Building and overlooks the Ala Moana Shopping Center, the Yacht Harbor, and the site of the soon to be completed luxury condo, ONE Ala Moana.
Aunty had a couple of root canals done before by other endodontists, and root canals are really not fun. However, the view from Dr. Chun’s chair and the modern contraptions made this root canal almost pleasant! First he stuck a soft rubber like thing into the side of my mouth which kept my mouth open – how easy and no problem with biting doctor’s hand or getting lockjaw! Then, a little trampoline looking thing that fit over my lower jaw. Nifty! No yucky stuff even with all the drilling, vacuuming, rinsing, etc. It was uncomfortable only when the numbing shots were administered – like a sting, and then blissful numbness.
I don’t know what Dr. Chun was doing, but his hands were busy for the entire hour and when it was over, Aunty realized what a great root canal it was, partly because of the view, and partly because of how he set up his workspace and my mouth!
A few instructions about not chewing on that side, pain control with aspirin or tylenol, and antibiotics just in case, which Aunty has declined.
Aunty does not like antibiotics because they wipe out the good with the bad, i.e. the infection is killed but so is the immune system. Granted, if Aunty does come down with swollen infection from the root canal, then perhaps she will reconsider, but for now, no thank you.
Unexplainably, with numb mouth and lips that felt like they were huge, Aunty had a hankering for some Crocs and Aunty headed toward the Food Court of the Ala Moana Shopping Center to get some.
Crocs are these rubber shoes that were all the rage a few years ago, supposedly made so your feet don’t smell. They used to be all the same, just in different colors and sizes. Kind of like Dutch clogs without the noise. Now, they have a lot of different styles, heel heights, textures, etc., and Aunty fell in love with some leopard print ones that were kinda on sale.
LONG ago, Pal Cookie told me about getting a 20% discount at Crocs Stores with a AAA card. I think that was a long time ago, because the nice people working at the Ala Moana Center store didn’t know about that, and instead offered me a coupon deal for 20% off 2 pairs. So what’s a gal to do?
Aunty now has 2 new pairs of Crocs, one in leopard print because Aunty is a leopard kind of person. rrrrrRuffff!
Aunty also happens to own Crocs stock and have watched it rocket, then drop like a rock, and now the stock is just meandering around. Maybe after today, the price of the stock will go up. Buy some Crocs shoes so the stock goes up!
Which reminds me, must do a lesson on options trading the right way. Took me years to finally get it, and it may soon be time to open to sell Crocs call options if it does bump up.
I end this rather rambling post with a picture of Aunty’s newest pair of Crocs slip ons which are almost indestructible.

Sassy, eh?