Aunty and Olaf in Vegas
Aunty just returned from a 5 day trip to Vegas. Unpacking suitcases is both fun and a bother, though this time it was easy because ALL of the packed clothes were used, and thus needing to be washed, the only store visited was Trader Joes, and one suitcase was dedicated to supplies, tools, and projects from the fabulous Clay Carnival that Donna Kato puts on year after year.
Aunty’s packing post was helpful just before leaving on the trip, though a blow up seat cushion was missing and Aunty’s butt was not as comfortable during the semi-long flight that landed around midnight. One little Lorazepam pill that first night worked wonders, and when the 6:30 am hotel wake up call rang, Aunty was up, feeling well rested, and ready to hit the classrooms.
A bunch of us went to see the Michael Jackson ONE show at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Since it was the late show at 9:30 pm, we first ate at the hotel’s Citizens Kitchen & Bar for dinner, and BAM! it was the best food that we all had during the entire trip! Everything we ate there – fish and chips, mahimahi tacos, chicken wings – were cooked perfectly, seasoned perfectly, and devoured even though the servings were very generous. This restaurant gets Aunty’s 5 stars, really, truly.
The Michael Jackson ONE show was absolutely fantastic. We had center stage 2nd row seats, very close to the stage and the performance. They were great seats because we could see all the details of muscle, wrinkles (some of the performers were older than expected), hands, emotion, and props. Actually, all seats are good, with different perspectives. A seat farther from the stage would give a broader view as some of the characters were zoomed in from the ceiling onto the stage, and the light show could be seen in entirety. Aunty doesn’t want to spoil any expectations so will not go into more detail, but it was SO well done, it couldn’t have been better. One of the biggest surprises to Aunty was when some flying caped things turned out to be Chinese acrobats! It is a gotta go see show, especially if you like Michael’s music and memory. You can even buy his lighted glove in the souvenir store for $30, which Aunty did, wistfully and happily.
Donna’s polymer Clay Carnival was 4 FULL days of instructors and projects, ideas and inspiration. This event has sparked Aunty’s creativity drive, so Aunty will soon be in her workroom cranking out polymer clay beads, swirls, and whatever else comes cranking out. That means less Korean drama watching, but perhaps, that is a good thing.
As always, for this homing pigeon Aunty, the highlight of the trip is coming home and getting back into old routines. Old routines that now have a little bit of an urgency and appreciation for what we have. This was a good trip, visiting the light fantastic, walking on the edge, and landing on familiar ground.