Way back when, in Kahala Mall, Star Supermarket used to be located where Whole Foods is today. It was a good supermarket but not too busy. So when Yen King (now dba Maple Garden with great lunch buffets) and Star Market got pushed out and Whole Foods came in, Aunty was a little huhu (mad) just because it was a change of out with the old and in with the new.
However, the Whole Foods move in turned out to be a great change for the better. They have healthy alternatives and quality choices. Some things are quite expensive, but some things aren’t. The kids love Taco Tuesday because the fresh little tacos are only $1. Aunty likes their flower bouquets, guacamole, organic chicken and beef, and deli section.
Great balls of grapes!
During the holiday season, Whole Foods brings in THE most wonderful Holiday Grapes. Aunty doesn’t even like grapes, but these are seedless, big, sweet, and just right juicy! Okay, they are kinda expensive at $4.99/lb but they sometimes go on sale during the season and they do keep fresh for a long time in the refrigerator. The store would have them paired with a nice semi hard creamy cheese called Parrano, or something sounding like that.
Us local, especially the ones that graduated from public schools (shout out to Kaimuki High, rah rah rah!) don’t really eat cheese other than cheese sandwich [side note: Aunty used to love to eat sandwiches with Kraft American cheese slices and Halm’s kim chee] or on top of spaghetti BUT one day, Aunty was watching a movie about a rat who wanted to be a chef.
Remy (the rat) took a bite of a fruit, and a single sweet note played, “bing!” Then, he took a bite of some cheese, and a chord of music played, “tadaaam!” He next went on to take a bite of fruit with a bite of cheese, and suddenly, he was surrounded with a swirling symphony of elegant music, timpani, allegro, strings and all! The combination made beautiful music.
Hmmm. Fruit and cheese? Aunty used to think that was weird but was willing to try because of Remy the Rat. Our refrigerator had Rainier cherries and in the butter compartment, some Laughing Cow cheese wedges. Aunty took a bite of the cherries, yum! Then a bite of the cheese, yum yum! Then, a bite of cherry and a bite of cheese, and O…M…G… it really was a symphony! From then on, Aunty felt so cultured and acted divine, you know what I mean, daahling?
Okay, okay, so back to Whole Foods.
Aunty was so happy to see those yummy Holiday Grapes even though they weren’t on sale. But, waaaaah…. where was the cheese? If the cheese isn’t next to the grapes, how would Aunty know which cheese matches the grapes?!?
Hunting around, looking at all the different cheese choices was a bit intimidating for the formerly divine Aunty. Then, she spied a Whole Foods worker. Andrew. [side note: Andrew was a really good looking young man and come to find out he was also hapa, of course.]
Aunty explained her dilemma about cheese illiteracy and Andrew must be a cheese connoisseur because he showed several options, including finding the Parrano cheese, which was kinda expensive and in little wedges. He tactfully pointed out a “very nice Gouda (who dat?)” and it was actually kinda cheap, especially compared to the other cheeses. Aunty chose that one as da winnah, and then Andrew whips out a sticker that says “it’s on US!” and attaches it to Aunty’s cheese! How cool is that!?!
It is very cool. The cashier rang up the purchase and then adjusted it and Aunty’s cheese was free!!
It must be nice to work for a place that allows good looking workers to give away random acts of kindness. It may be a bit late, but Aunty would like to say, “Welcome to the neighborhood, Whole Foods. It is very nice to have you here!!”
Recent update: Aunty went back for more Holiday grapes and couldn’t find them. Kami came to Aunty’s rescue and brought out a case from the back and even shared with Aunty about summer grapes called “cotton candy”. She said they were super popular and tasted like cotton candy!?! So, when summer comes next year, Aunty is going to try.
Anywho, shout out to Kami – ANOTHER terrific clerk at Kahala Whole Foods!
Wow I’m a ’71 KHS grad, so I probably went to school with you for a couple of years. When I worked on the East side and could shop there they had the best European butter EVER. Small and pricey and it was so worth it but when I returned, no more. It was a brand I never saw before, so buttery and light. The next thing I LOVE is the organic french fries. This gets as close to McD’s at home. It has apple sauce as an ingredient so I think that adds that special taste. Anyway small bag and $$$$. Even if they were near here, I don’t think I would shop there (except for the fries) cuz it is so pricey
Hiya N, organic french fries?! I wonder if that makes them less unhealthy…
Another Bulldog, rah rah rah! If anything, we crossed paths only during one year – my senior year – since I had to go to Guam (not a place for a transplanted teenager) with my Mom during my junior year and gained 20 lbs instantly and came back to Honolulu with a Guam boy who decided to tag along. Hawaii is SO small in the sense that we are somehow connected or related, and our high schools define who we are. Kaimuki was a great school back then, we had awesome school pride and I do believe that I had a great education. Sad how the public schools are now in the pits. The kids deserve better.
Cute post! My husband’s co-worker called this store Whole-paycheck because things are expensive but I love browsing there. Especially Fridays, they have Friday special that are very reasonable. Their produce is fresh and tasty.
Actually, I used to go to Costco to shop for groceries and waste a lot of food because of how big the servings and packages were. Now I need just a little bit of this or that, and Whole Foods does indeed have fresh and tasty produce and I can order to size. Their service is great, that counts a lot with me. Mahalo for the nice comment!
I really like the sound of those Holiday Grapes, especially since my cousin just wrote to tell me they were a good food to fight cancer. We do love Whole Foods on the mainland, but now there’s a supermarket called Mariano’s that we fell in love with.
I will have to check out Mariano’s when I go to the mainland, though not sure when that will be.
Grapes for cancer? Interesting and believable since nature does provide cures if we pay attention to what we need. I have been doing so much research about cancer and was always interested in natural healing. I will dedicate another website about that one of these days. For starters, curcumin, coconut oil, and green tea are excellent for the health and go beyond protection – they rock! I am at that age when I can sense my health beginning to deteriorate and I don’t like it. I found a great doctor that is also into holistic medicine. I like him because he has a balanced view of modern medicine and natural.
thanks for the heads up about the WF near Ala Moana…and krazy prices for those stamps!
We shop at Whole Foods once in awhile…hubby gets some of his vitamins there. They have a great produce section and bakery section. The Holiday Season grapes are wonderful…we get them when they are available.
I didn’t know you were a Kaimuki grad…I went there my sophomore, junior years and the first part of my senior year. We moved to Kailua the summer after junior year and Mom made my sister and I transfer to Kailua after school had started. That was hardest thing we had to do to leave our friends, some that I had gone to Kaimuki Intermediate with and a couple from Palolo Elementary and Aliiolani Elementary. Still have friends from Kaimuki…:)
I didn’t think that Whole Foods will do as well because of the local mentality, but, old dogs like me DO learn and try to get with the flow.
Yep, 1970 Kaimuki Bulldog, from Palolo Elementary and then Jarrett Intermediate. I feel your pain moving from Kaimuki to Kailua. Poor thing.
fun! I always like looking around but wish they had a location closer to Ala Moana:)
They WILL have one near Ala Moana once the beautiful new Howard Hughes project of transforming Ward Center into Ward Village is done. The Waiea condo is going to be drop dead gorgeous with the best view (and priced out of Aunty’s world) and already being built. Honolulu is changing. Too fast and tall for me, but then I just will have to find my own little world of comfort.
I enjoy your Japan posts as much as I do Jalna’s. My daughter’s boyfriend is on his way to Tokyo as I write this and I have tasked him to find those cute 18 yen stamps. Did you see that someone on eBay is selling a sheet of those 18 yen stamps for $19?!!?
that is krazy about those stamps!!! and thanks for the heads up about the WF near Ward Center:)
Looooove this post!!!!
Mahalo! I had fun writing it since I love Whole Foods!