3 Magic Words

Bibidibobidiboo!Aunty just recently subscribed to Bug Free Mind’s free trial offer – 5 chapters of the program and access to their website (after registering and logging in).   Aunty also joined as an affiliate to the program – just in case this really is what it promises to be.  A review of the program will be forthcoming, but it really does seem to be mind set changing – the first change necessary for any improvement in our lives.  Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki preaches this all the time, and his Cash Flow game changes one’s mindset from stuck in the rat race to unlimited passive beautiful income.

An article in the Bug Free Mind website was entitled “3 Magic Words that Eliminate Stress Immediately!”

Hmmm.  What could those be?  “You won $1,000,000” would work for Aunty.  “Honey, I’m home!” used to work long ago in the honeymoon phase of marriage.  “Just go shopping” was an action that used to work wonders.

Well, according to the article, those 3 magic words are, “Accept what is.”   Hmmm.   Accept what is.

It almost sounds too simple, but on further reflection, they are words of wisdom and really can relieve stress.  Try it out on a situation in your life that creates stress.  Acknowledge that the problem, condition, circumstance exists, because it does.  It is what has happened, what is, and all the worrying and stressing about it does not change it.  Glare at it, swear at it, cry over it, and then accept that that is what you own.

The magic happens after that – when you can look at those stress producing piles of crap and decide on a plan of action to eliminate or deal with them.

Can’t figure out a plan of action?  Another article in the Bug Free Mind says to sleep on it.  Just before falling asleep, ask the questions for which you have no answers.  “What can I do to improve my relationships?”  “How can I pay my bills?”  Ask, out loud or silently, just before you drift into slumber.

In the morning, in those first 10 – 20 minutes of arising, the answer(s) may be there.  If not, repeat until you get the answers.

Does it work?  It doesn’t hurt to try.  Aunty will try and let you know later.  Let Aunty know how it goes for you, mahalo.

[note from Aunty:  once you register for the free trial, a rather aggressive email campaign to get you to opt into the full program will begin.  Aunty’s suggestion is that you just ignore these for now, just get the free stuff, cruise through their website before signing up for anything more.  The good thing about their aggressive email campaign (done with excellence, btw) is how your affiliate relationship with them is supported automatically.]

9 thoughts on “3 Magic Words

  1. Hello, thanks for your reply… Chelsea does work at WF however, she would not be a checker, probably doing the grunt work in the back… But it would be fun to have someone ask if they could say hello to her. Just for fun….
    Real Estate is doing well in the OC…. lots of higher end homes are selling. We have so many foreign nationals with cash…. I am working with one right now and the price tag is 2.7 million… need to get this one in the hopper and closed…. I love working with International people that are nice, many aren’t….
    Please mention me to anyone who needs an honest REALTOR in Southern California. I have been an agent for 12 years now and prior was in the healthcare world for 18 years in sales and marketing.
    Have a wonderful day….
    P.S. I would be hard pressed NOT to be using Protandim as it has helped me so much, with the one challenge of scar tissue. To me that is a BIG issue and it is for so many people and sometimes they do not recognize that some are their problems after surgery is scar tissue. As far as Nerium is concerned, I have one friend that whenever she finds a skin cancer, she put Nerium on it and it goes away… I have spent 50+ years using antiaging techniques and good products and keep my face out of the sun, so that is the major reason that I have great skin…. what I can’t fight is gravity… by the time you get to my age, one has earned a bit of loose skin…LOL!

    • I was at Whole Foods yesterday and asked to see Chelsea. However, cashier said that she doesn’t work at WF anymore, and that she went back to the Mainland. Boohoo! I wanted to surprise her and say hello from her Grandma Frances.
      According to the cashier, she worked in the fish department and had tattoos? If that is her, hope she is glad to be home. If it isn’t her, I’ll go ask again for Chelsea.

  2. By the way, I also signed up to sell Nerium… didn’t get far with it and it was too drying on my skin. I have seen people who had good luck with it, but at the age of 72, my skin looks better than most gals in their 50s…. but then I started anti-aging at the age of 19 when I got involved in skin care and make-up application. (Vivian Woodard Cosmetics) I thank God for that information at an early age. The big trick is staying out of the direct sun on your face…. trust me on that one, as it works… everyone thinks that I have had ‘work’ done on my face… nope and hope I don’t have to….

    • Aloha Frances,

      Mahalo for your comments! Will ask for Chelsea next time I am at Whole Foods, though I hardly go out much right now. Pretty amazing that Protandim helped your scarring issues.
      I use both Protandim and Nerium on a regular basis. One for health, one for my skin.
      How is the real estate in Orange County? Our youngest went to school there. Nice area, far from the LA traffic.

  3. Hello, Aunty, I just read all of your comments on Protandim and etc… I am happy that Protandim has made a difference in your life, I have been using and sharing the product for 2 years. In that time frame, I discovered that the product has helped me lessen scare tissue in my left breast (that had 3 previous surgeries). I heard Karie Dickie at a Life Vantage meeting one evening say that the product had helped her with scar tissue… and then it dawned on me that 5 months after I had a plastic surgeon say that “he could fix my breast problem for $14,000 I was introduced to Protandim…. I am so happy that I was as after 2 years I countinue to get better and I am not in pain, so having surgery right now is not an issue the way it was 2 yrs ago. Besides I need that money to help my granddaughter who is now attending the University of Hawaii…. with honors…. I hope to get over there to see her. If you ever go in to the Whole Foods store in Honolulu, as for Chelsea and say hello to her from her grandmother, Frances. She will be quite surprised. So far she is loving it and I make her take Protandim and she has had a lot of health problems…. Cheers to you… Frances
    I am a full time REALTOR in Orange County, California… Laguna Beach area.

  4. Thanks Aunty! Interesting practice to think about a problem just before falling asleep. I do think the subconscious mind can think of creative solutions if we give it time. The only problem I might have is if I think of the problem at bedtime I may worry and then have trouble falling asleep. I guess the secret would be to not think about it until just as I’m dozing off. I will have to work on that trick. Keep us posted.

    • Aloha Peggy – indeed, our minds can do wondrous things, including the non-wondrous such as worry and stress. Instead of thinking about the problem, just ask the question for the answer/solution before falling asleep.
      Hope all goes well for you!

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