A simple practice to feel better

Aunty subscribes to a LOT of newsletters and info. Everyday I have updates on ebay searches, financial gurus, Honolulu Star Advertiser headlines, recipes, and more. Most emails go to the junk box because they are junk. Good or important ones are in my inbox. Sometimes I get one that is really really good, and that is what I want to share with you today.

Sacred Science is by Nick Polizzi. He did a documentary on 10 very sick people traveling to the forests of Peru to experience ancient therapies for their various illnesses. Not all were successful, but most were. One of the participants had diabetes and could not stand the dark and primitive conditions they were in because he was afraid of possible snakes so he left early – and even so, his diabetes became normal again.

Nick has continued to learn more and share what he learns and his latest project is on making our bodies and minds whole and healthy – Energy Healing.

For a very limited time, we are given free access to 3 short lessons for the next 3 days as a preview to the complete video course. I am very glad that I took the time to access Day 1’s lesson. Very short, very hands on, very powerful just by shaking out our hands, tapping on specific points, and saying affirmations. I like tapping on specific points that correspond to specific body organs and their functions. This was just what I needed this morning and I feel better after this 9 minute video.

I hope you give this a try, but please act fast before the freebie disappears. Here is the link: https://energyhealing.thesacredscience.com/video-day-1-int97_live/

Be well!

8 thoughts on “A simple practice to feel better

  1. Always willing to try new things. But, a lot of the time, it just has a placebo effect. If you think something will be beneficial, then it will be even though scientifically it would not be.

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