Welcome and Aloha!

ALOHA from Honolulu Aunty! 

CIMG0830 Do you have dreams, goals, desires for a better life?

Where do you start?  By learning, learning some more, and then doing what you need to do to get you to where you want to be.

To learn here, please check out the menu tabs that interest you, or put a subject in the “Search here” box at the top.  Blue highlighted words are linked to pages or materials of interest, so click away!

What do you want?

Want Wealth, Health, Happiness, Looks?

Aunty wrote a page on wealth wisdom for Young People just starting off.  Sure wish our kids read it one day ….

Do you like Tips?  Cooking?  Reviews of places and things to eat, go, try?

Want Household Hints, Fun ways to pass time, Travel Tips?

Have you ever flown first class on a trip?  You should, at least once in a while, and do so without breaking your budget.  Aunty also shares how to pack for a trip – the philosophy being that more is better.

Want the best  grilled shrimp recipe – Garlic Mayo Shrimp?  Uncle’s co-worker made it for his girlfriend’s family one time, and they insisted he had to marry her, and he did!  Aunty’s other recipes are easy and ono (delicious), most of them from other people since Aunty hates to cook – mahalo, mahalo, mahalo.

Want Reviews on workshops, books, programs, restaurants that Aunty recommends?

Wanna be in/to Hawaii?  Vegas?

Want to visit Hawaii?  Learn some of Aunty’s pidgin English?  This info site is full of reviews of local businesses, restaurants from Aunty’s very local perspective.  Some of those reviews include Las Vegas businesses and restaurants, lumped together with Hawaii places because we LOVE Las Vegas, sometimes called the “9th island”.

It is one of the reasons why Aunty does real estate investing in Vegas.  The ultimate goal of Aunty, though, is real estate in Hawaii.

Beats being poor

Young or old, anybody can learn and do the 2 secrets to wealth:  save, and invest.

More is more

Want to learn how Aunty made her website and how it can be monetized?  Want to learn about Nerium AD or Protandim, 2 business products that Aunty is involved with?  Uh, actually, Aunty got “terminated” by the folks at Protandim because of her review.  Hmmmm, honesty is not appreciated sometimes.

Want to learn how Aunty won the battle against her forever warts?

You still stay?

Mahalo!!!  Got SO much more, just like Aunty has a motor mouth, auwe!!!

Ask Aunty, make comments, visit often, stay short or stay long.  No shame.  Aunty is amateur and forever learning, so we can all learn together, right?

Want to have Aunty’s latest posts sent to you?  Enter your email address in the “subscribe” box to the upper right.  After that, please check your email inbox to confirm and you will get the latest whenever Aunty writes something new.

Mahalo aplenty for your visit.  You made Aunty very happy.

Oh, and one more thing.  Here is a disclaimer to this place, and this applies to every page on Aunty’s website:  The information presented within this website is provided by Aunty for educational and entertaining purposes only and is not intended as, nor should be relied upon as tax, legal, medical, or investment advice.  Please seek professional guidance when making your own decisions.

So, in other words, don’t sue Aunty because Aunty doesn’t claim to be an expert in any field.  Aunty started this to share.  Take everything with a grain of salt and your own common sense.  Be nice.

Mahalo for visiting!

18 thoughts on “Welcome and Aloha!

  1. I want some of your groovy pens! I was at BankOH Kahala and they were using them. Can I buy some in various colors, and refer my patients to you for financial services?

    • Aloha Beverly,

      That’s kinda funny – you wanting my pens! I will leave some with “nephew” Davin Nakasato, the Branch manager. I have purple and pink ones left.

      Also, I am not a financial service provider. I just write stuff that I learn so that others can learn too. Mahalo for the visit!


  2. Hello aunty,
    I met you once and you were the nicest lady I have met in a long time. You are full of aloha spirit. You gave me a pen with your website and I eventually got a chance to check it out. I love your information and advice. I look forward to reading as much as your posts that I can. Thank you for your guidance. Keep going strong and spreading your aloha!

    • Aloha Liz,

      You are so sweet! I’m glad you checked out my website and accepted my pen! Sometimes I get carried away and people look at me weird – like “who is this lady giving me a pen?!?” LOL, well at least I know it worked when I gave one to you!

      Mahalo for your visit and sweet comment. I look forward to our future together!


  3. Enjoyed your bio page with the photo of 3 beautiful aunties and you certainly don’t look like a medicare-qualifying senior yet, keeping financially fit must contribute to your youthful appearance. You and KFG make an articulate and savvy team of site advisors. Mahalo nui loa, Tutu or Sistah (I wear many hats)

    • Mahalo Tutu!!! You so nice! Of course I take pictures with friends that are older than me – that’s the trick to looking younger, lol! (sorry sorry good friends!)

      I don’t qualify for Medicare yet, but this year of the dragon, Aunty makes 60 years old – yikes! I do enjoy Ross senior discounts on Tuesdays and McDonald’s coffee, and discount Consolidated Theatre movie tickets though. Good stuff! Pretty soon I can get Zippy’s senior discount too!

      Mahalo for your kindness!


  4. Hello Auntie!
    I came across your website when typing in senior discounts at CVS and saw your website. What’s this, I said to myself. Hey, someone in Honolulu. Some good it does me. I’m stuck here in Pawcatuck, CT. Well, I still feel kinship with you because, I too, was born in Honolulu, Kapiolani Hospital, before Hawaii was a State. How about that! My mother’s side of family was born in Hilo; so even though my family left the islands when I was only 11 years old, it is, and always will be, my home. My mom and dad retired in the ’70s and went back home to Hilo. Of course, they are no longer in paradise on earth, but that other paradise we will all head for some day.

    It was wonderful to hear from someone like you reminding me of home. Are you the one on the right in your photo of 3 aunties? My mother gave me my middle name when wishing upon a falling star when she was pregnant with me in Waikiki where she was living at the time in 1945.
    Aloha nui, Andrea

    • Aloha Andrea! You are a LONG way from home – means it is time for a visit! VERY different from when you were here though – lots of high rises, lots of traffic, and it is hotter than it used to be. But, it is still paradise and I can’t think of anywhere else we would live – especially since Uncle needs his ocean to fish and surf in.

      Hope your winter is nice and mild and beautiful. Come back for a visit!!!

  5. In a parallel to your Mango parable, I will give you one about the man going through the forest looking for a suitable stick from which to fashion a cane. “There’s a nice one–oh, it’s got a knot in it–that won’t do”. “Ah, there’s a good one–but it’s a little crooked, surely there’s a better one soon”. And so it went, each stick he found had some fault in it that sent him on to the next one. Until…he suddenly found that he was out of the forest. So many new investors have a similar strategy–looking for a straight stick–a perfect investment–but failing to pull the trigger until it is too late and the opportunities are gone.
    Don’t know who to give credit for this one–but I’ve used it many times–even to my daughter, who was looking for a “straight stick”, but just recently got engaged to someone who may not be unblemished, but she was getting close to the other side of the forest.

    • I am honored, Jeff. Your website BawldGuy.com really does give great advice. Advice, as you know, I don’t always take, but I must admit it is good stuff!

  6. Dear Aunty,
    I think you are still svelte, agile, and powerful. In fact, you seem to get younger as you age (if that makes any sense). I hope you never mellow out…you’re too much fun when you bite off more than you can chew, and then chew, chew, chew…
    Love and blessings,
    The Thing

  7. Hey Aunty,

    What pages! You only had to go to a seminar and get things straight! Congratulations! It was good advice. And you’ve made it better.


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