Angels All Around You

Do you believe in angels?

Aunty kind of did.  Some friends knew they were real, even saw them and heard from them.  But Aunty wasn’t sure – until meeting Estelle Small at a recent “Angels, Intuition, and Making Sense of it All” talk, and then a subsequent private consultation ($95) to learn the particulars of the team (!) of Aunty’s own angels that help fulfill Aunty’s purpose in life.

Some people have 1 or 2 angels, some have lots and lots of angels.  Aunty has 7 of them – 4 female and 3 male.

7 helpers

How do we know that they are real and good?  It is up to you to decide, and then once you do,  you are able to clear and cleanse your spirit and then ask them questions.

Aunty being Aunty, the first thing to pop into her head was being able to win in Vegas.  Ha!  Is that against the rules?  Or are there rules?  Not sure.  Maybe Aunty will try when she next goes there.

Cleanse thyself first

At the consultation, Aunty was taught how to do spiritual cleansing.  It took several tries because it involves moving hands across, and down, and shaking, and then across, up, back and down, around, down, and shaking, beginning at our 7th chakra that is located just above our eyebrows.  All the while breathing in and then exhaling, and repeating a sort of prayer, “In the name of God (or Universe, Love, Spirit, etc.), I cleanse my body and soul.”

Repeat until we get a warm glow or chills.  Aunty got goosebumps.

This sets the stage for our angels to communicate with us.  Or be closer to us.

Guardian angels

It isn’t quite like Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan in “City of Angels” (btw, Aunty LOVES that movie), but how wonderful to know that we have our own special angels to help us along our path of life.  Even better, to be able to ask and get connected to their wisdoms to situations that we may not be sure about.

Since Aunty is a novice at this, and a bit of a scaredy cat, she will be sticking to simple questions, like, “Is it a good idea to blog about this angel thing?”  (answer was Yes) or “Would it be a good idea to go out right now and weed?” (answer was NO).

Later, Aunty will ask about Uncle, but for now, will keep it light.


One practice after cleansing involved imagining a ball of white light in front of us, around us, growing bigger and bigger, enough to fill the room, building, neighborhood, island, world, space.  The circle of light was love.  This part reminded me of Master Sha’s training.  A rather Taoist practice of sending love out to the far reaches of the universe, for our souls are part of the universe.

Who are we, What is our purpose?

Aunty can list her goals and plans for the future but she doesn’t have the answers to those 2 questions – yet.

Goals are easy enough to figure out since they are usually materialistic and measurable.  Aunty has a little bulletin board filled with them.

However, if Aunty were asked, by a booming voice, “WHO ARE YOU?” Aunty would stutter and mumble something rather vague and contrite, like “ummm.  I sorta blog as Honolulu Aunty and I went to Kaimuki High School.”

If the same voice asked “WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE?” Aunty would have to say, “I don’t know.”

Perhaps, now, with Aunty’s helper angels, Aunty will figure out those very important answers.  At the very least, it is quite wonderful to now be able to “hear” them and have some guidance from wiser souls than ourselves.

Your turn

Estelle Small and Patrick Kilhenny will be having another introductory session ($15 at the door) at Manoa Library this coming Tuesday (October 10, 2017) at 7:00 pm.  Aunty will be there to absorb more of this positive energy and possibly sign up for their 5-part series ($225).

More info about registering for consultations or workshops can be found at or at the Tuesday meeting.  See you there?  Aunty and her 7 angels will be.

(Actually, there are several more intro meetings, 2 on October 23rd at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm at the Oahu Veterans Association on 1298 Kukila Street, and 2 on October 24th at 1 pm and 7:00 pm at the Manoa Innovation Center, 2800 Woodlawn Drive.)

A more in-depth 3 1/2 hour training will be available to those of us who want more tools to connect with our angels on Saturday, October 28, from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm at Manoa Innovation Center.  Cost is $55.  More info on it can be found at and pre-registration is required because we will be receiving workbooks with the workshop.  Individual consultations (like the one Aunty received and learned about her specific angel team) can be ordered at the same time as registering for this event for a discounted price of $90.

10 thoughts on “Angels All Around You

  1. I’m thinking there are quite a few angels watching over us. I’ve had a few close calls that still make we wonder how I could have been so lucky. And mom…. I’ve seen things happen for her that make me think her parents must be watching out for her. She keeps telling me they are.

    We spent the night at the Eiheiji Temple several years ago. That’s where my grandfather also trained to be a zen priest. It had rained heavily all night and I was worried about mom in her wheelchair. She’d hurt her knee the day before our trip. We had to leave the temple by a certain time and I was dreading walking out into the rain. It was raining and raining. But as soon as the priest opened the door for us, the rain stopped. The sun came out and we walked without umbrellas to the bus stop. We waited for the bus for maybe 15 minutes or more. Once we got on the bus and were on our way, the rain started again as a deluge. We all looked at each other and my mom and aunt said, “Our parents are watching over us.” Sent chills up my arms.

  2. I know that my Mom who passed from this earth young is my guardian angel..Many times I have cried out for help from God only to have some pennies found on a floor or money in the house, a practice my Mother did often..She always said Guardian Angels are with you no matter what will happen and that God will guide them to take care of you no matter what..well I absolutely believe it and trust in God and my guardian angel of my Mother and those who passed I adored and was related to..Never can a person have tooo many guardian angels..ciaoXXX()()()()

    • LOL, Bill. My idea of angels is that they have passed all the earthly tests and standards and moved on to be glowing do-gooders without boundaries. I am still failing in the tests and standards but mahalo aplenty for your kind words.

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