Another Epiphany

Epiphany definition: a moment when you suddenly feel you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you.

(another definition is a powerful religious experience but that isn’t the one for Aunty’s epiphany today…. or maybe it is.)

Realizing that Aunty is in her final third phase of life, from Youth, to Working Adult, to Oldster is quite wonderful.  Life in these golden years (with good health) equals freedom to choose to do the things I want to do and not do the things I don’t want to do.  For example, Aunty does NOT want to babysit grandchildren on a regular basis and DOES want to pursue creating art and weeding.  This is a not quite an epiphany but more of a philosophy.

Recently, several small and big changes and events have occurred and Aunty has sailed smoothly through them.  Answers and inspiration seemed to show up randomly, or perhaps on purpose.  Sometimes a chance conversation leads to a train of thought that helps solve a riddle.  Sometimes making a wrong turn becomes the right destination.  Sometimes flipping a book open on a page reveals a wisdom at the exact perfect moment of understanding.

This is exactly what happened this morning, as Aunty was clearing her ever cluttered desk of papers, bills, and books.  “27 Flavors of Fulfillment, How to Live Life to the Fullest” is a book gifted from author Nathan Cain whom Aunty helped sponsor in his film “Cancer – The Integrative Perspective”.   It was flipped and opened up on page 90.  This section was written by Shelly Wilson with a paragraph titled, Tools to Discover the Truth of Who You Are.   Skimming through, a statement jumped out at Aunty and became today’s epiphany:

I am a spiritual being having a human life experience.

Whoa.  It was as if all the jumbled up building blocks suddenly clicked into place.  Each of us is a spiritual being having a human life experience.  Aunty read and re-read Shelly’s 5 pages and felt as if a great understanding of how life works was revealed.

Okay, so maybe Aunty is a bit off and people like my best and worst friend Cookie will roll her eyes because more evidence of Aunty’s weirdness has just show up.  Regardless, Aunty just had to share her most recent epiphany which actually does feel like a powerful religious experience.

Amen and Namaste,


8 thoughts on “Another Epiphany

  1. Yes, we are spiritual beings, and the spirit lives on for all eternity. I believe this even though I tend to be an agnostic (“There might be a God, but there is no proof, and no, the Bible is not proof.”)

  2. This revelation is movingly profound, got me to go over & over today’s epiphany, but it affirms that the soul or spirit is a real part of our human existence, mortality, & everlasting life.

    Malama pono,

    • It was my epiphany, Bill, and not for everyone. The chapter went on to explain the author’s point of view and I nodded at some parts and had to mull over others.

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