Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne translates to “old long since” and sung to bid farewell to the old year or old times. A bit late since we are now into mid January, but still deserving of a listen.

Mark Ford aka Michael Masterson sent this in one of his non daily emails that I subscribe to. He is a super intelligent slightly cranky brilliant investor and author that I have been following and sometimes admire. His latest email also featured a movie on Netflix, “The Hand of God” inspired by Fellini, winning many film awards this year. [Update: This movie was different because it was in a different language and a different culture. Nudity, messages, and such a variety of characters on so many different layers that I find myself wondering what it was about. Still, it was a film director’s masterpiece and actually one based on the director’s memories of his own youth growing up in Naples, its obsession with their savior soccer star Maradona, and the coming of age of a young boy. I almost want to watch it again, but not sure if I will.]

Another recommendation of his, “Enlightenment Now” by Stephen Pinker, is a non-fiction book with great reviews such as: magnificent, uplifting and makes you want to rush to your laptop and close your Twitter account.” (The Economist). That makes me want to rush out and listen to the book on tape IF the library has it. [Update: Library has it!]

And now, without further ado and still pushing back pending posts about Korean Natural Farming, here is a wonderful version of Auld Lang Syne sung by Home Free:

8 thoughts on “Auld Lang Syne

  1. Happy New Year, Sarah! Been thinking about you and hoping life is good. Korean farming? Grandchildren? We have to catch up. Will email, kid. Big hugs, D!

  2. One of my all-time favorites, loved this choral group with a range in voices, I can listen to it all year long, mahalo for the post, remembering “old acquaintances” should be done daily…will search for a copy of Pinker’s book & since we don’t have Netflix to view the inspirational film, hope to read a review by you.

    A hui hou

    • Hi Tutu,

      I began watching “The Hand of God” and it is very Fellini – strange yet beautiful and rather disjointed but I am only halfway through and will update about it in the post after I finish watching it. Not sure if it is my cup of tea but the ending is always the determining factor.

      Also, I found the book on tape in the library system so will get it soon!

      In the header photo (which changes each time you visit my website) of 3 friends – I am in the middle, and my pals Wandaful and Patricia are beside me. The necklaces were made by Patricia Greene, on the right. Some of the beads were made by me, in polymer clay. Thank you for noticing and asking!


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