Aunty was on TV!

tvIt was a really good show at the Hawaii All-Collectors Show this Sunday.  Collectors are really special and nice people and it is so fun to walk around, talk story, and see people so happy to find their own special treasures and deals.  One customer said it was like Christmas for him!

KITV 4 was walking around, and interviewed Aunty – how cool was that!

Here’s the link, Aunty is so thrilled!


14 thoughts on “Aunty was on TV!

  1. Hi, Aunty!

    The smart-looking hat & outfit reminded me of the early days when women still dressed displaying their femininity which you exemplified with grace & style making you stand out among the collectibles. Would love to see your priceless POGS collection. Had a small collection back then, now stored & forgotten. Mainland ohana sends their aloha.


    • Aloha Tutu!

      It is always fun to dress for these shows. I love the look of the old days with hats, feathers, and veils.

      Unfortunately, my pog collection is not priceless anymore, but I really had fun hunting for them. I was SO into pogs that I even had a column in the pog magazine that Chris Mochizuki published monthly, called “Sally’s Corner”.

      My fond regards to you and your family,


  2. I clicked on your link and saw the video, but there was no sound. I’ll have to ask hubby to fix it. You looked good.

    My son-in-law, Grant Oka, is going to display his glass etchings at the Made in Hawaii show at the Blaisdell August 21, 22, and 23. You can see his website by clicking on Oka Etchworks on my blog roll, if you are interested.

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, Aunty.

    • Mahalo Gigi!

      You have a very talented son-in-law, his glass etchings are beautiful, with dimension! I’ll be checking in on your blog from time to time, it feels like being with an old friend.

  3. This is just so super cool! How wonderful to see what you really look like live, in person. I agree with Peggy. You are a natural in front of the camera. It looked like a really fun show to go to, but way too tempting for us.

    • I had a good time at the show. Every year as I set up (with all the kids’ help) I tell myself that I will stop doing the show. Every year during and right after the show, I change my mind and start planning what and how to do the booth for the next year. Because it was just a 1 day show this year, I didn’t have time to shop too much, boo hoo! Well, maybe it was a good thing because I went home with far less than what I came with. Feels great!

    • The cameraman was very good – told me to look at him and stood ahead of the camera and on the side so I wasn’t staring into a camera lens. He also asked simple questions.

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