The Best is Soon Gone

Aunty’s favorite art gallery, Robyn Buntin of Honolulu Gallery, is closing.

Very sad.  Aunty will miss them and their fantastic selection of art, jewelry, and treasures.  They are always so nice and never seemed to mind Aunty coming in just to look and ooh and aaah.

Aunty did purchase a really cool old looking vase that resembles concrete but is a wheel thrown ceramic piece from the Silla Dynasty for a really good price.  Do you know the Silla Dynasty?  Hmmm?  Well, you would if you watch Korean dramas such as Queen Seondeok and stories about the Three Kingdoms of Korea.  This all happened over a thousand years ago.  This vase was part of John Young’s collection of tribal and ancient cultures.

Everything is on sale.  Everything.  The have the yummiest gorgeous jade pieces and a huge selection of Japanese woodblock prints in pristine condition.

Just wanted to give you all a heads up to check them out before they are out of there on Sunday.  Aunty will miss the best of the best.  Time and change march on, but some things, like a Silla vase endures and will continue to give joy for a long time to come.


Aunty’s Silla treasure – about 10″ tall and exceptional in its simplicity and balance.

10 thoughts on “The Best is Soon Gone

  1. Just a thought….
    Why don’t you start writing about yourself in the first person..
    For the new year!
    Embrace the fact of auntyhood!

    Merry Christmas

  2. My sympathy to you that your favorite gallery is leaving, but you take with you the priceless dynasty vase from artist John Young’s collection, his paintings are remarkable & still very popular. May drop by to see the jade pieces.

    Happy Holidays, Aunty!

    • I will add a picture to the post. It is about 10″ tall on a very slender base. It looks like it is made of stone and is so well done and balanced so it is very stable on the table.

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