Beware of scammers with your phone

Recently I put an ad on Craigslist in order to give away a used air conditioner. I post on Craigslist from time to time about elastic for sale in my “Locker” at Ben Franklin. This time, I put my phone number in the ad.

Right away, I had 2 people interested in the free air conditioner via text. I texted back to the first one with an (808) prefix and that person very politely asked if they can verify that I wasn’t a scam by sending back a 6 digit code that they would text to me. So clueless me, I said okay, and sent back their 6 digit code via text. Then the person asked if I had another phone that they could also use to make sure I wasn’t a scam.

This is when the red flags went up and so I google searched – craigslist verification code scam – and got it verified. This was a potential scam and by receiving and sending back the 6 digit code, the scumbags could use it on Google Voice and get another phone number. Sort of on my account – but not really. It could be harmless but nowadays, anything can be detrimental to the one who was fooled.

I texted back to the scambag that I wouldn’t deal with them and will be transacting with the 2nd responder to my ad.

And then, dang! The 2nd responder texted me “ok, I got your post. For my safety, can I send 6 digits number to make sure you are real?” I texted, “No.” And then got a “?” mark as a response. I said to email me and they wrote, “After verify I must call you… So can I send the verification code?”

Persistant buggah. And I left the message room. I edited my Craigslist ad so it didn’t show my phone number and the default Craigslist email was in place.

A lesson learned about posting my phone number for scammers to scam. And I still have the air conditioner in my car with no takers. If anybody wants a Mitsubishi PK30EK condensing unit (the inside part of a split unit) that is old but still in good condition, let me know! It is a dinosaur that needs the compressor part so chances are slim to none that anyone would want it. But, you never know…..

10 thoughts on “Beware of scammers with your phone

  1. Thank you so much for your kind comment on one of my ancient posts. Some of those are so embarrassing having written them so long ago but if you like those, you are bound to enjoy some of my newer ones.

    I gave up on selling things on Craigslist long ago. I was never scammed or had someone try to scam me but there were always the incessant people asking for my best price before even seeing the object, asking if I would deliver it halfway across the state (costing more in gas than the item was worth), or hold it until their next paycheck. Now I use Marketplace and everything is set on the curb and free to the first person who gets it upon which I will delete the ad.

  2. I sometimes get taken for a ride when I decide I want to find out some information and put my email out there. I’m learning to be more cautious. Glad you seemed to get out of that situation without a mishap. But you still have the A/C to get rid of! 🙂

  3. So weird. I just posted that comment and got a message from WordPress saying there was an error and couldn’t post what I wrote. But there it is so I guess it did work.

    • I know. This happens to me when I reply – that there is an error. And when I click on reply again, it says that it is a duplicate reply. I better contact WordPress and find out what is going on. There probably is an easy fix – but easy for some is mind boggling for me.

      Thanks for letting me know!

  4. There are so many scammers out now that it’s really scary.
    Would you believe we had a Mitsubishi PK ? in the family room that just died. They said the circuit board or whatever busted and it was too old (2006) so we had to replace the whole darn split air thing because they don’t make that part anymore. Arrrghhh! They just did it last week. Your condensing unit could be valuable. You never know.

    • Those scammers have no ethics. Terrible to prey on unsuspecting people.

      You just replaced your unit? Aaargh! Well, if you know anyone who would want my old unit, please let me know. For now, I have it in the back of my vehicle until I find a home for it.

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