Celebrating the life of a wondrous sister-in-law

My sister-in-law, Jo Ann Fukao, passed away in October after losing the battle with cancer – that had returned after 3 remissions.

I remember when my brother met her on a blind date. Like Apollonia and Michael Corleone in the Godfather, it was colpo di fulmine for them – when love strikes someone like lightening, so powerful and intense it can’t be denied.  Not only was she extremely beautiful on the outside, she was even more beautiful on the inside.

Our kids called her Aunty Hugalani because she had the best hugs, every single time.

When she blew her nose (quite often), she honked so loud that babies would get startled and everyone would turn to look to find the source.  And then she would laugh.  Delightful peals of laughter that made everyone also laugh.

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, a Celebration of Life video has been put together with guidance from her former church pastor.  Even if you don’t go to church or believe in God, if you knew her, she has risen from being an angel on earth to being an angel in the heavens.  She lived and breathed joy, peace, and love every day of her life.

9 thoughts on “Celebrating the life of a wondrous sister-in-law

  1. Too bad the video does not play on my computer. That is a very nice photo of her and you wrote very well about her goodness. I am so sorry she passed. My condolences to you and your family.

  2. Oh gosh, Aunty. I am so very sorry for your loss as well as your family. She was indeed a very beautiful woman. The second half of 2020 was really hard for us too. It’s so hard to lose our loved ones. You’ve written a truly beautiful tribute to her. I love that she was called Aunty Hugalani. It just shows how much she was loved.

  3. Aunty, thank you for sharing. Funny how, since I starting reading Jalna’s and your sites, so many coincidences have popped up. Actually, Jo Ann was my UH TA for Japanese
    –American studies many years ago. I’ve never forgotten her. She made an impression: her enthusiasm, friendliness and local girl frankness–no shame in speaking pidgin! I was quiet but observant so I listened to the guys talking about her. I would guess they went to class just to hang around her. I do remember an “oh shucks” comment from a former Punahou grad; I even remember “Bobby” being mentioned as the reason he had no chance.
    Amazing that I remember after all these years.

    • Mahalo, DJan! When I went to visit her towards the end and she was still mobile enough to walk, she came over to me and gave me a hug – with her mask on – knowing about the social distancing recommendations. I think she knew that she wasn’t going to be able to hug me again. That will remain as my last sweet memory of her.

  4. Beautiful tribute to Jo Ann. She was truly a kind and loving person, never heard her say anything bad about anyone and always seeing the good in everything.
    And yes, her nose honking. Hilarious that such a noise could come out of her
    Really miss her!

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