When is forever not forever?

For Aunty, it was yesterday.  I had mailed some masks and pattern last week to pal Kay of Musings.

I wanted to use up my “ugly” forever stamps and knew the postage for a fat envelope was $3.80 if it weighed under 4 ounces, so I put on 7 of those stamps and popped it in the drive through mail bin.  7 stamps x 55¢ would be $3.85.

Yesterday, after opening my PO Box I was surprised to see the envelope addressed to Kay with a note about additional postage needed.  I presented the clerk with the envelope and asked her about the note, and she was very nice at first and said that I owed more.  When I asked why, she pulled out a book that showed the ugly forever stamp with a value of 41¢.

I was flabbergasted and I must have expressed it because I said it was a forever stamp that is supposed to be forever.  She pointed out the fine print on the stamp that says “first-class forever” and not just “forever”.  She then told me that I didn’t have to be so dramatic.


I must admit, I really did have to pause.  I was still in semi-shock about different levels of forever and her smack down was unprofessional.   I had seen it before from her and another of her co-workers when dealing with customers they were irritated with.  It made me realize that they were very unhappy working a job that they had to keep.

So what did I do? 

I asked how much more I owed, paid, and apologized for not understanding,   Yup, I wimped out.

And the first thing that popped into my mind was that I had a great new post that would be titled “When is forever not forever?”

Lesson learned – get rid of those old ugly forever stamps and avoid those two clerks.

Update:  These “first-class forever” stamps will still work on letters and large envelopes.  However, if the envelope is over 1/4″ thick, it becomes a parcel – and then those type of forever stamps are only worth 41¢.  

17 thoughts on “When is forever not forever?

  1. Aunty, as a county worker on the mainland I had to put my two cents in regarding the rude postal worker. Complain to her supervisor. Whether or not she likes her job, she is getting paid to be a counter person and be professional to the customers (even the “dramatic” ones :P). She doesn’t have to be hyperactive happy to see people but she does have to be polite and not make side comments that may be considered offensive.

    • At that post office, it might be opening a can of worms if I complain to her supervisor. They all get along and seem to be friends. I will do my best to not go to her window, but also hope that she realizes and regrets the incident. Actually, I can chuckle about it now. So dramatic! Maybe that is me!

  2. Ho Aunty! I just love this post on so many levels.

    It’s very informative. I didn’t know. So tricky . . . . they musta known all along that they would cap the value at 41 cents and yet had the gall to call it a “forever” stamp.

    It’s well written, starting with the right-on title and then with the very personal first-person narrative. And your spacing with the pauses . . . for effect. I love pauses . . . for effect.

    It’s very entertaining. Your character development . . .perfect . . . I can just imagine. Makes me want to go to the post office just to be a part of it. Kahala branch, I presume. LOL.

    I’m glad you “wimped” out Aunty. It shows not your weakness but your strength. Plus, it made for a better ending. 😂

  3. I didn’t know that about the forever stamps too! Well, the USPS keeps threatening to go bankrupt. But I know what you mean about some clerks. I just had to deal with one the other day downtown and when I went back the next day to mail something else, I almost got that clerk again but lucked out when a different clerk called out. I wondered if that 1st clerk recognized me and just tried to make shirankao also hoping I would go to someone else, hahaha. I didn’t even mouth off as I usually would, promise! 🙂

    • Ha! Remember when there were several incidents of shootings – and they involved postal workers? We then used to say, “Don’t go postal” – i.e. crazy. Well compared to that she was just fine. I hope.

  4. What happened? I have tons of forever stamps that I was collecting but stamp collectors said to just use them as really no “collecting” value these days. I have the same thought process as you and their value should have been $.55.

    • Aloha De,

      Yep, sadly I don’t think stamps have collection values like before. The value is actually the current letter rate of 55¢ on a letter. The ones that just say “forever” are the more recent ones and those will have current values on packages. It is still confusing to me because aren’t thick envelopes and packages considered first class mail? And after 13 ounces they become priority mail? I don’t know. I’ll ask another clerk the next time I go.

  5. Oh gee! That’s aggravating! I did not know this about stamps. Sheesh!
    However, Aunty. Thank you so very, very much for the masks AND patterns. This is so much fun. The masks are gorgeous and fit great. I can’t believe you even cut one out for me sew. Thank you, thank you! What a lift to the day because I was really dragging today. I thought I might have caught a cold, but your gift just perked me up. Yay! You are too kind!

    We do have one grouch at our post office and I keep holding my breath hoping and hoping to get the other friendly mail personnel. I do leave compliments for the other workers online.

    • You are welcome, Kay! I am happy it got delivered to you the very next day!

      I am tempted to leave a comment online for the postal worker but I usually only do the compliments for excellence. I don’t want her to be more unhappy, so I will just let it slide and avoid her as much as possible.

  6. What an ordeal for you to face, certainly not to be treated with sarcasm & discourtesy, when most postal counter workers are friendly & helpful, like when they suggest that I re-package something for a better money saving rate, which I’ve experienced at Hawaii-Kai & the Kaimuki stations. They even share their tape when repackaging at the station or make corrections on zip codes to mainland destinations. With better supervisory attention or retraining, these disgruntled servers may improve.

    Our mail carriers are the best in our area, we almost cry when they get transferred or retire. When at Ross or Costco it’s a quick drive over to our post office with lots of parking.

    Thanks for informing us about the old forevers no longer forever.

    • It is true that most of the postal workers are wonderful. But I notice those 2 have masks on (not just the COVID masks) and they are basically very unhappy people that take pleasure in smack downs. One day the younger one did help an elderly lady put tape on her box after making her buy the tape. The clerk kept saying that she wasn’t supposed to do the taping at the same time telling her off for not being patient when the elderly lady asked her to tape up one side so it was more secure. The one I had today would act nice but I always sensed something about her – like she really didn’t like me.

      All the other counter clerks are super nice and greet me like an old and welcome friend. Our mail carrier also just retired and we were all very sad when he did. I did see him at Zippy’s Kahala Sushi with a new lady friend just before the shut down, and he was enjoying retirement, I am glad to say.

  7. Aunty, “NICE” always wins over “not nice”. I’m glad you kept your cool
    with the postal worker and did not stoop to her level. You did not wimp out….you are just NICE!

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