Good looking and cool =!

open carportFor years, we parked in our driveway with power, telephone, and cable lines overhead across the entire length of the driveway from utility post to a garage that was not usable as a garage.  Being parked in the sun was not great, but it was okay, since we had retractable windshield covers that helped to keep cars cooler during the day.

However, it was the dang birds’ poop that was not okay.  Sometimes it was small droplets of poop, and sometimes it would be a huge mushy pancake of poop targeting whichever vehicle was in the driveway with pinpoint accuracy, as if the car had a bullseye painted on its roof.

Decades ago, we contacted a local company (was it Skylights Hawaii?) about a really cool looking metal and plexiglass carport that Servco in Mapunapuna had on their lot.  The very large carport was huge, curved, and quite beautiful.  We were given a quote for our small driveway- which was much too high for our budget with very limited options style and installation options.

Recently it seemed like the birds hanging around our driveway multiplied and a competition was on for which bird could plop the biggest pile of poop on the cars.  It got to the point that it was better to park on the street instead of in the driveway.  A desperate call to Skylights Hawaii revealed that the company had been out of business for years.  A google search of “carports Hawaii” pulled up, and a call was put through, and Maggie Kunkle arrived with her measuring tape and brochures.

Aunty liked Maggie, immediately.  She has a charming accent and a spring to her step.  She had leopard print car seat covers and animal print accessories.  That is Aunty’s kind of style – animal print, rrrrooofff!

It took a while to choose the style, color, material and installation method, and with Maggie’s suggestions and Aunty’s pickiness, a unit was agreed upon for a reasonable price ($6,900 + installation cost).  A contract was signed, down payment made, and 2 months later, Aunty had a wonderful beautiful carport that did not take away from the looks of the house, gave glorious subtle shade during the day, and most importantly, foiled those dang birds by taking away their favorite targets, hah!

These carports are imported from Japan, by one of Japan’s largest corporations, Sankyo.  They are of top quality and arrive with everything that is needed, and delivered on site by Maggie’s folks.  Edi Rodrigues is her chief installer, and Aunty highly recommends that Edi is used because he has been putting these up and can read through the plans – that are printed in detail with pictures, and Japanese writing (no Engrish!).

Aunty is super happy with the results.  Our driveway was extended just a bit (installation cost was $4000), the heavy duty aluminum posts were permanently secured in concrete, resulting in a look that is almost invisible.  In fact, Aunty is so happy with the results, Aunty wants to crow (heh heh) about it and will be helping Maggie at this weekend’s “Remodel it Right” show on Friday night and Sunday afternoon by passing out flyers and crowing!  Please come visit Maggie’s KunkelWorks booth and check it out if you are looking to get cool too!




5 thoughts on “Good looking and cool =!

  1. Really, really awesome!
    It’s so fabulous when things work out well the way you hoped. Now the rain can clean off the bird poo from the roof of your carport instead of ruining the paint job on the car.

  2. Aunty, I just mentioned this post to Wendell. After we enclosed our garage a long, long time ago, we have had to park our cars out in the sun, uncovered. I think this is a great idea to help keep the cars cool and protected from the elements. I’ve just emailed a link to your blog to him and am crossing my fingers. Thanks!!

    • Hi Jalna! Depending on the style, color, choices, these carports can make the house look even better, or funny kine. It takes me a long time to decide on whether I want this style, what it will look like, and how it will fit with the house. I take pictures of the house and then I make a paper cutout of the carport and then place it on the picture to get a visual. If it looks good with the paper template, then it will probably look good when it is actually installed.
      I used to think that I wanted the curved look because it flows, but our old house style was better off with a straight style that almost disappears. Also, even though the tinted and darker polycarbonate roof panels gave more UV protection and supposedly was cooler, I wanted clear/frosted so it didn’t stand out. I REALLY love the protection I get and it is way cool enough, the car stays in the shade, and Aunty is happy.

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