Google Ad Sensing

It is hard not to notice, but Honolulu Aunty now has ads on her website. Sorry if it offends my readers – I will make them less obtrusive in the next few days.

I used to have Google Adsense installed in my old website format and then I disconnected from it when I had error problems. That didn’t correct my error problems (still working on the comment error that pops up) with this new WordPress theme that I recently installed. Websites are like gardens – needing constant weeding and transplanting.

The way Adsense works is that I get fractions of pennies when people visit, and if anyone clicks on an ad, I get pennies. Then, after I get 7000 pennies, Google sends me a check for $70. Woohoo! Granted, it takes me about 2 years to make enough pennies to get paid.

Last I checked, I had $69.12 accrued in the account – not enough to get paid, but it was just sitting there after 3 years. So, I had to ask my techie son how to get back in the game of getting pennies again, for it is quite a thrill to get paid without doing much. My monthly social security checks are like that. And I do love and appreciate them.

Mahalo for putting up with Aunty. One of these days I will really retire and not check on my Ameritrade account, the price of bitcoin, or do real estate research. One of these days, but not soon.

11 thoughts on “Google Ad Sensing

      • lol Aunty, I am also cheap but I have taken to using the word resourceful…just as I think you are!! So resourceful and thanks for spreading the knowledge!

        • You are most welcome – and thank YOU for your great blog that inspires me to eat more ono food and even to cook easy ono food! But, I will stay away from your izakaya recommendations even if ono because …. not cheap over there.

  1. Good luck on your monetizing. Blogspot has that option too. You are the most akamai business person I know. I could use you for our financial advisor. 😃

    • I do believe that I need to go on a self discovery and learn to be content with what I have. My mind cannot stop thinking of opportunities and possibilities from the moment that I wake up. I am a TERRIBLE financial advisor for others because I take risks that mainstream will not.

      Mahalo for your friendship and support!

      • I just saw your comment on DJan’s blog. What a coincidence! We’re also binge watching Downton Abbey every night. We watch 2 shows a night and are on the 5th season right now.

        • How funny!!! We have SO much in common and I wish I could see you more. But, for now, I follow you in your blogging, and you drop in and see me through mine.

  2. I don’t yet have a child old enough to probably monetize my blog but they are certainly old enough now to set up their phones without any help from me.

    • I forget how my son set it up, but I did it through my Google account – so one must set up a gmail account (I think). Google and Amazon are the elephants in every room in every place. I still have phone jacks in my house but disconnected my land line. We are at the mercy of these electronic giants that also “give” us everything we need. Scary and yet something to be thankful for.

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