LAB – Lactic Acid Bacteria in KNF

This one is for Cleta – because she is so nice and interested in the goings on in my garden since I started doing Korean Natural Farming. I first posted about KNF back in January and haven’t posted since. Meanwhile, Cleta came over three times with fish, food, and an unreal quiche that I never knew could taste so good.

LAB is one of the easiest formulas to make, using rice water, milk, and brown sugar. It is called the protector and corrector and used when soil or plants have problems. It is also considered to be like hungry emergency workers so it should not be overused or it can restrict IMOs (Indigenous Micro Organisms – the bedrock of KNF). It increases vitality and resilience of the micro and macro in flora, fauna, and animals. It clears out the bad stuff, brings in oxygen, and decomposes animal waste.

Korean Natural Farming is very simple but also easy to make booboos. My first LAB solution smelled bad and I might have killed some plants with it (by mistake). One of the most common beginner’s errors is to make the solution too strong. More is NOT better, so please use the dilutions recommended even if they seem too wimpy.

Making LAB

Step 1

Start by washing white rice in a rice pot. The first rinse is cloudy and we normally throw this out and keep rinsing several more times. However, to make LAB, pour this cloudy first rinse water into a wide mouth jar and set it on your counter in a cool area. Cover lightly or not at all because you will be collecting lacto out of the air.

Step 2

After one day, check on the rice water by smelling it. It should smell slightly sweet and almost like bread. It takes anywhere from a day to a week (if the weather is cold), and a slight film begins to form on the surface of the liquid and residue on the bottom. Siphon out the liquid part avoiding the sediment on the bottom and put in a clean glass jar with wide mouth. You will only need about 2 cups of liquid. Leave a lot of space in the jar because you will now add milk (any kind of milk) at a ratio of 1:3. The recommended ratio is 1:10 but I don’t like to waste milk so I go with the 3 times rate. To the 2 cups of fermented rice water, add 6 cups of milk. Cover with a paper towel and secure with rubber bands so it can breathe. Leave on your countertop in a cool shady dry area.

Check it every few days. It usually takes about 5 days but it could be more or less. The milk starts to separate from the clear liquid and a curd begins to form on the top part of the solution. It should smell slightly sour, some KNF people say it should smell like an old shoebox.

Step 3, and pau!

Remove the curd/cheese part. This can be fed to dogs, left on plants or made into cheese but I haven’t done any of that. It feels weird, like really firm tofu. Strain the rest of the liquid (I use a coffee filter) into a clean jar. This is whey – which is LAB! It should be stored in the refrigerator and will keep for months (make sure you label it) OR mix the whey with equal parts of brown sugar, stirring in a clockwise direction and thinking happy thoughts. Brown sugar will stabilize the LAB so you don’t have to keep it cold. LAB does need to breathe, so cover with a cloth or paper towel and secure with a rubber band in a cool, dark area along with the rest of the KNF formulas.

Using LAB

Some people swear by drinking this formula – it helps their digestion, great for diarrhea, good for their general health. One ounce in a glass of water does it for them. It has been know to promote a strong immune system and is friendly to mammals (us). It can be used to control smells.

When using it in the garden, LAB must be diluted in a 1:1000 ratio or 1 TBS per gallon of water. It can be used as a soil drench or soil/foliar spray. I use it as a soil drench about a week before I add IMO4 (the bedrock). It helps to correct and ventilate the soil.

LAB can be used anytime from start to growth but do NOT use it before harvesting because it makes the fruit less sweet. It helps to develop the root systems and produces bigger, thicker, shiny leaves.

This really is one of the easiest formulas to make, and even if you don’t try anything else in Korean Natural Farming, I hope you try making this. LAB can be a stand alone great addition for your garden and health regimes.

Here is a video with Chris Trump making LAB. He does it a little differently from me, but same results:

6 thoughts on “LAB – Lactic Acid Bacteria in KNF

  1. Pingback: Genki Balls - KNF related - by Auntyby Aunty

  2. Sounds interesting, but sorry, not for me. I couldn’t get pass “smells like an old shoebox”. I do love your documentation process, and I will share this with my sisters. I totally admire your (and Cleta’s) gardening skills. I agree with what you said about Cleta . . . she is so nice.

    • Jalna,
      I am SO into this and seeing great results. However, I have made many mistakes but the ingredients are so cheap and available (except for the Oriental Herbal Nutrient) that even mistakes don’t matter much. And Cleta ….. what a sweet person!

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