Make you KuKu

One of Aunty’s favorite daily escapes is going over to Jalna’s blog and seeing wassup.  (see? Aunty can do hip talk too!)

Jalna’s latest is about her score on a game that Aunty got hooked on for the last hour or so, as evidenced by an overworked right hand and mouse and for some odd reason, a very exhausted and sore left arm.

It is called kuku kube – a game of color – lasting exactly 1 minute long, though it seems much faster.  You get a point for each correct choice, and wrong choices do not count against you.  Jalna’s score was 38, which Aunty considers super duper especially since Aunty’s initial scores were 24, 26, 27, 24.

Twice, Aunty reached an almost zen-like state of seeing what is different, and then scored much higher.

OMMMMMM to you!

4 thoughts on “Make you KuKu

    • Ah, Kay. Young people have the knack and the speed. I am debating on challenging my kids – not sure, though, that I want them hooked on this game the way I was. My competitive nature had me trying again, and again, and again.

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