Masks to help us all

Pal Jalna shared a video about wearing masks – presented by a young girl in the Czech Republic.

Aunty must admit to going on errands and not wearing a mask but after getting coughed on by a clueless girl who didn’t heed the 6 feet apart rule and was coughing without regard, I started wearing a mask and spraying my hands with sanitizer each time I touched something outside of the house.

Then, after watching this video, I will always wear a mask when I go out. Not just for my sake, but for all of us. Then we can get back to normal sooner, with an appreciation for what normal is (was).

Here is a video done by a surgeon teaching us how to make a mask:

Here is one that Kay of Musings shared and liked: This one looks rather easy (the 1st one by Dr. Streicher is the easiest) but when you click on your pattern choice, do NOT click on anything that looks like a green box with “START” on it.  This will take you to another place – it is a link to an advertiser.  I don’t like that, but the patterns are good.

And here is another one that Kay shared and liked better because of the fit:

Here is a no sew mask with a large handkerchief and 2 hair ties:  Very easy and actually brilliant!  This version and the first version with Dr. Streicher was shared by our president of the Hawaii Stitchery and Fibre Arts Guild.  Mahalo, Aileen!

Best wishes to all, and may the force be with you!

8 thoughts on “Masks to help us all

  1. I’ve also added a wire at the nose area for a closer fit. I’ve made 28 masks this past week and passed them out to family and friends. Some are battling cancer right now.Some don’t know how to sew. I’m so glad I had some material available in my collection. I’ve used everything up now though.

    My sister-in-law went looking today at Walmart because she was going to make some masks for her family. My brother had told me they wouldn’t need them from me because she would make them herself. Tsk! Anyway, I had to give them my last five which I was happy to do. He’s always telling me he doesn’t need something. It’s better if I ask my sister-in-law. Anyway, she said all the fabric and thread at Walmart was GONE! Wow! That’s amazing.

    I ordered elastic from Amazon but it’s coming by slow boat from China. My daughter is sending me her last remnants to keep me busy. I’m so tired of making masks though. Good grief! I even cut Art’s aloha shirt (100% cotton) and made 11 masks with that.

    I wonder when this will end….

  2. I see latest guidance from someone (sorry, can’t remember exact source, but was on major news channels) that wearing a mask is good not only to prevent spread from someone who doesn’t know they are positive, but also lowers the risk somewhat to those who are exposed to virus carriers. But can’t hurt, doesn’t seem to me, as long as it doesn’t breed confidence/carelessness and one follows all other guidelines.

    • I used to think that wearing masks was stupid and that only people who were sick should wear them. However, I have changed my tune and believe that everyone should wear them as well as practice social distancing. It will be interesting to watch how the Czech Republic numbers improve (or not) with their mask wearing mandate. I wish that our State will mandate it also, otherwise some who totally don’t care about others around them will spread their germs and not even know that they have the disease because they are asymptomatic. My kids call them Covidiots.

  3. Thank you, Aunty. I believe that the CDC is doing more harm than good by saying to only wear masks if you are sick. It’s the people who don’t know yet that they are sick who are spreading the virus. To me, wearing a mask is such a small effort that could make a big difference. Thanks again.

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