Miss Granny, and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Aunty must admit to being a Korean drama almost addict and has upgraded to being a Premium member (at $5 per month).  The advantage of this is zero commercials and having access to some exclusive shows.

Some movies have been really good, and not all of them are Korean.  The Chinese “Ocean Heaven” starring Jet Li was an excellent one about a father’s love for his autistic son.  It can also be viewed on YouTube:


Some movies have Aunty’s favorite Korean actors and actresses but leave too many loose ends or have sub par storylines.

miss grannyMiss Granny was a real winner about 2nd chances with a quirky lead actress, compelling relationships, and the complete 5 star package of being a really great movie.

best marigoldTo top off this weekend’s winners, Aunty would recommend “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”.  It was rented for $1/week at our local library and starts off a bit haphazardly as the characters are introduced and ears adjust for British accents.  The perfectly cast players and the bustle of India merge together splendidly, and Aunty has already put “The 2nd Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” on reserve at the library (after 100 others who have also requested it).

It has been a rather unproductive week for Aunty since not much has been accomplished.  Kind of like stirring oatmeal.  These movies were divergences that filled the space of taking it easy and allowing myself to waste time.

A waste of time, but one that engaged, entertained, and delighted.  So much so, that Aunty actually stood up and clapped after each show ended.

4 thoughts on “Miss Granny, and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

  1. I saw this movie! Funny and touching! I watched movie ‘Flu’ recently. It was little bit (actually lots) gross but like the main actor. Aha ha. I’m so addicted to Japanese, Korean drama too.

    • Aloha Nipponnin,
      Perfect description – funny and touching. Sometimes I would just bust out laughing at the things she said. I can’t watch “Flu” – says it is restricted for my region.
      Is Jang Hyuk the actor that you like? He is so manly – in Slave Hunter and Iris II. Great action actor. I like Oh Ji Ho, but he’s not as good an actor. They are all such good looking hunks, it is a good thing I am a senior woman who stays at home, lol.

  2. I refuse to watch Korean dramas because I can’t even get around to watching all my Big Bang Theory that I love. And now Once Upon a Time is starting again. I can easily get addicted and then I wouldn’t be able to blog at all. My Zumba friends ALL love Korean dramas and are always talking about them though. I did love Marigold Hotel. Miss Granny sounds very interesting.

    • I used to boycott them too because my friends were addicted, and then I watched Boys Over Flowers and was hooked. My husband would watch the historical ones – some of those were over 100 episodes long! We didn’t have Premium Dramafever so every few minutes, the same commercials (happier than a body builder directing traffic) would run over and over but they became fast breaks for getting water or bathroom trips.
      I know I am wasting time, that’s why it feels like stirring oatmeal. Ah well. I suppose it is better for me than getting into trouble, which I have been known to do.
      btw, let me know if you want to watch Miss Granny.

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