MW’s Shoyu Chicken that is more like Nishime – winnah!

Aunty doesn’t cook BUT Hawaiian Airlines has some neat local articles and one of them was chef Wade Ueoka sharing a recipe.  I used to get take out orders from him at the Farmer’s Market way before he and his wife opened the popular MW Restaurant.  That restaurant has unreal fancy food and desserts to die for.  However, truth to tell, I liked the homestyle cooking from his humble tent better because I like simple and cheap.

The Hawaiian Airline’s site has other local recipes and even videos.  I liked this recipe because the ingredients are what I have in the refrigerator.  Chicken, carrots, daikon, onions, ginger.  But it is not what I expected when the title said “shoyu chicken”.  I figured shoyu chicken is easy – chicken, ginger, shoyu and sugar – so I checked it out, watched the video, thought to myself, that looks like easy Nishime, and tried it tonight.

And you know what?  It was good – tasted healthy, light – and was easy!  I like how he cut the carrots.  I like how he shows us how he puts the chicken in and the other stuff and then takes the chicken out to chop.  I added shiitake mushrooms because I like shiitake mushrooms.  I also added tsukoshi (little bit) hondashi.

A really good cooking lesson.  I know he doesn’t know me, but I want to shout out, “Tanks, eh!” to chef Wade and Hawaiian Airlines.  He made a cook out of me!

8 thoughts on “MW’s Shoyu Chicken that is more like Nishime – winnah!

  1. I finally had time today to look at the video. Interesting. That’s how my mother cuts her carrots. I didn’t know what kuzu slurry was and had to look it up. I’ve learned something new! Yay! Thank you for teaching us.

  2. Good job, Aunty! My style of recipe. But for today, I think I’m gonna try your Spam Kim Chee from your related posts section.

    • Thanks, Jalna! Yum – I haven’t made that dish for ages – so good with rice. I was down to my last can of Spam (somebody in the family must have cockaroached the others) and got my multipack from Costco the other day. Thank goodness for Costco.

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