Nattokinese the clot buster

Nattokinese is denatured natto in capsule form. Natto is fermented soy beans – a Japanese food that looks and acts like goo that would rival swallowing a goldfish in do or dare challenges. My sister had a clot in her neck that was causing a 75% blockage. She was on cholesterol medication and under a doctor’s care. She decided to try Nattokinese and in less than a month, her blockage was down to 25%!

A bonus side effect of this was the elimination of her arthritic pain.

She told a few friends about Nattokinese and how it helped with her arthritic pain. They, too, can now attest that it has relieved their pain!

I take Nattokinese when I have a headache. I can’t really say if it helps, but I am better soon after. Healthy Habits, LLC has it on sale almost all the time.

2 thoughts on “Nattokinese the clot buster

  1. I am purchasing natto starter, and hope my system can handle natto. For 30 years I have been intolerant to beans in my diet. Thank you, Bernie

    • Wow! You have a natto starter? I take the easy peasy path and purchase nattokinese capsules that are denatured and easy to swallow. I hope it works out for you and your system can handle the boost. Please keep us informed!

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