The new iPhone 11 first thoughts

Way back when, AT&T used to give the newest Apple iPhone free for each line, every 2 years.  Not sure how they did it but it was such a deal and opportunity, and Aunty used to have the newest phone until the free phone offers disappeared.  After that, Aunty would make do with older models.

Aunty recently went to the Apple Store and bought herself a brand new wonderful iPhone XS and was happy as a bumblebee (are bumblebees happy?) until Apple revealed the debut of the iPhone 11 with 3 different models.  Whaaaaa???  Suddenly, this bumblebee wasn’t happy, but the nice folks at the Apple Store assured Aunty that she could return her iPhone XS for a full refund if done within 14 days.  Or, give Aunty a “rebate” of $100 because of the timing of the new product release.

AT&T makes the deal

Meanwhile, while google searching if the iPhone 11 was superior to the iPhone X, Aunty discovered that AT&T (our family plan) was offering a BOGO – Buy a new phone and get one free (up to $700 in value).  Whoa Nellie, that sounded awesomesauce!

But it had a catch.  The free phone offer was only if a new line was purchased, or a number ported over from a different carrier.  NO problem!  Brand new son-in-law’s Verizon phone line got ported over to Aunty’s family plan (welcome to the family, Jack!) and Aunty got her beautiful silver iPhone 11 Pro, and son-in-law got his new space grey iPhone 11 Pro that he graciously gave up to his brand new wife.

Big deal

The iPhone 11 Pro is really big compared to Aunty’s old iPhone 6SE.  And much heavier.  Much.  It is also slipperier because of its rounded edges and thinner profile.  So slippery, in fact, that it flew out of Aunty’s hands at the AT&T store, crashed on the tile floor to the gasp and intake of breath of everyone there – without a scratch, shatter, or damage!  So, it passed the almost indestructible test with flying silver colors.

It does take getting used to swiping instead of pushing.  And apps got a bit messed up because of the temporary storage in the iCloud such as Aunty’s Starbucks app which had to be re-enrolled on the new phone which Aunty realized after ordering an iced caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino at the drive through so she could get bonus points.  It asked for user name and password and after several wrong guesses, Aunty was defeated and paid as a non member.  Ah well.  It is all good now once the super important secret notebook at home was consulted and user name and password entered correctly.

The camera to shoot for

This phone looks strange with 3 lenses.  Aunty has no clue how to use it – yet.  However, the camera is the reason that Aunty decided to go through the hassle of returning her brand new wonderful iPhone XS and going without a phone for a week.  That, and the extra long battery life – 5 hours more than the previous model and wireless charging!

A picture taken indoor at night from 10 feet away was quite good.  Surprisingly good, actually.  The selfie above was taken at night with an auto flash that didn’t really flash.  Pretty good and sharp, even with the mirror flip camera option, dontcha think?

Crushing candies

Candy Crush is more fun because the screen is so much bigger.  It also seems smoother to play, with the explosions and falling rows of candy moving faster and with less jerk.  Aunty is careful to limit her playing time because it really is a waste of time, just as Korean dramas are.

Ah, Korean dramas.  Something that Aunty can do on her new phone because of the bigger screen.

Hmmm.  Aunty thinks this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

8 thoughts on “The new iPhone 11 first thoughts

  1. What a great write-up! I’m still making do with an old but reliable plain old iPhone 6 which I bought because it would fit in my phone holster I’ve had for years on my belt. Wife got 6s because she carries it in her purse which has endless capacity. But after reading your post I’m going to have to check out the 11, although it sounds like it might need a new holster to contain it!

    • Actually, you are really smart to not have a smart phone. These new phones stir up the consumer juices to get the newest and best, and every other year, another better and newer phone comes out.

  2. Trypophobia? Too funny. I’ve never heard of that. Congratulations on your new phone, Aunty! That is awesome! I’ve been telling Art he should get it. He has the 8 and I have the XR, but he says he’s waiting for the next one. He’s always waiting for the neeext one. Sheesh! I shall show him your blog post.

  3. Congratulations!! I love the selfie. You chose a nice background. A little bit off topic but, I was listening to a caller on the radio recently, and she said that the 3 camera lenses on the new iPhone would set off her trypophobia (aversion to small-hole clusters). I had never heard of such a thing, and when I looked it up and saw photos, I thought, yah, a lot of holes bunched together could be kinda creepy looking.

    • LOL! Fear of the iPhone lenses – now I am aware….

      What was amazing was how the mirror shot at night with rather dim wall lights came out so well. I had to move it around to avoid all the clutter so it is a bit of an up shot. You would LOVE this phone, but it is so much heavier. Maybe I will attach one of those finger holding thingees. Maybe.

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