Not good, not good at all

Sometimes Costco has pretty good packaged foods. Sometimes it just isn’t to my taste so I don’t like it but this time, it was really not good at all.

It was on sale. Regular $13.99. Now $9.99 with $4 off! Cannot go wrong – 2 servings, only $5 each and super easy to make. Put the dried noodles in a sauce pan, pour sauce over and heat until hot (about 8 – 10 minutes) on stove top. Super easy!

Looks junk, tastes more junk

Super easy, but also super junk! Especially if you like Pad Thai. Maybe if you didn’t know what Pad Thai is supposed to taste like, you might think the mushy kinda tomato sauce with bell peppers (I don’t like bell peppers) was okay. But if you know how good Pad Thai can be when it is stir fried with fresh ingredients and served hot and aromatic and each bite is heavenly, then you will definitely NOT like this fake Pad Thai.

Just wanted to send out a warning. I was sucked in by the big sale price. Buyer beware!

9 thoughts on “Not good, not good at all

  1. I love pad Thai. Thank you for the warning. We don’t shop at Costco much anymore because the parking is AWFUL! We’re sticking to Sam’s Club. Thank you for your advice about the Plus membership. We signed up and are going at the earlier hours too. More people wear masks at that 8:00 hour.

  2. We rarely buy these sorts of prepackaged foods because we find most of them disagreeable. Instead we tend to make them with fresh ingredients and if conducive, freeze the extras for a future date to get economies of scale pricing.

    But we are a family of four, five for part of the year. I’m sure when we are just two or one, these sorts of foods become a lot more attractive since there is little clean up or waste involved.

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