Notes from January 19 Boardroom event with Robert Kiyosaki

2013-04-17_11-16-15This event was okay, but not fantastic.  Aunty pays $9.95 to listen and watch.  I always get way more than $9.95 worth of insights – and usually from Robert or one of his advisors.

There was a lot of bashing of politicians and wannabe presidents, governments, middle class, media coverage, etc.  I picked through to find out what Robert invests in, and why.

He is investing in America – because America controls the world’s currency, military, and will bail people out.  Our tax laws are written for businesses and investors.  He says Brazil, Russia, India and China are what others are touting, but he doesn’t want to invest in socialist or communist countries, or capitalist dictatorships like Singapore.

He calls California a communist republic because of their social programs, tax laws, etc (i.e. liberal).  Instead, he invests in Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and Arizona – because these States are very pro capitalistic.  He also says to invest in what and where you know.

Robert Helms (from Real Estate Guys) talked about having always been in real estate and this period is what he and other investors have been waiting for all their lives.  Plentiful cheap properties, and super low interest rates.

Kiyosaki said he is actively investing in the Bakken in North Dakota – this is where they have tons of shale oil, enough to allow us to be 0% (currently at 40%) dependent upon foreign oil. [In fact, Ken Wade’s market charting group had Bismarck, ND as entering into the green light phase of real estate investing.]

Your view of the world is your view on the world.  How you view the situation is YOUR choice.  He predicts a LOT of volatility, and those counting on old ways (get a job, social security being there forever, 401K plans being there, the government will take care, kids will get a good job because they go to college, etc.) will get hammered.

Kim Kiyosaki (wife of Robert) says it is not going to be comfortable – there will be mental, physical and emotional stress but it must be faced.  Get out of your comfort zone in order to grow.

The webinar ended on a positive note with the Kiyosakis talking about agreeing to disagree – by someone else’s different point of view, one grows.

2 thoughts on “Notes from January 19 Boardroom event with Robert Kiyosaki

  1. Hi Aunty!

    Great synopsis of Robert Kiyosaki’s latest board room presentation– thank you for sharing! I love your blog, and look forward to meeting you in person one day!

    Thanks so much,
    — KFG

    • Thanks Kung Fu Girl! I hope to meet you also one day – maybe on your next visit!

      I love your blog too – I learn stuff that I always thought too complex for me, for example, your explanation of how the fractional bank reserve system works – genius!

      I re-posted Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nunchuks on my “Exercise” page – just for you! Compare that to my video recording of our TaiChi beginners class from 2 years ago, lol! One day, in another time warp and universe, us TaiChi master wannabes can challenge anyone to a ping pong match.

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