OHN – Oriental Herbal Nutrient

This is the hardest formula to make because it has many steps, uses many bottles, and takes a long time to complete. This is also one of the most important formulas and is used in many of the solutions such as IMO3, Plant Maintenance Spray, Seed Soak Solution, etc. This is medicine for soil, plants, animals and people. It aids in digestion and metabolization, creating environments for pathogenic reduction. It prevents disease and improves beneficial microbes – for our garden as well as for us humans.

Here is a video done by Chris Trump that demonstrates the beginning of the process using dried angelica, licorice, cinnamon, ginger, and garlic:

This might be fun for some people to do but it was just too much work for me. Stirring, adding, subtracting, and storing separately until the end would not be fun at all for this aunty.

So, what did I do? I checked out Chris Trump’s shop (best deal at 32 oz for $64.95) but haven’t been able to get any because it has been out of stock for weeks now. So I shopped on Etsy and found a couple of sellers that sold OHN in 8 oz bottles for quite a bit more BUT I had to have OHN to continue on in my solution and IMO making processes, so I bit the bullet and ordered it. I am hoping to be able to buy some locally – there are some avid KNF people on the Big Island that could be a resource for me, but for now, I have enough to last because OHN is used at a 1:1000 ratio in the plant formulas which works out to 2 ml per half gallon of water or 4 ml per gallon. 4ml is a little less than a teaspoon.

In addition to using it for my soil and plants, I put some in a small tincture bottle and add one drop to our old dog’s water every day. I also put a drop in water and drink it myself when I remember.

If any of you do decide to make this and have a lot of extra, please let me know and I’ll be your customer!

2 thoughts on “OHN – Oriental Herbal Nutrient

  1. I had a vision of you in a lab coat with protective goggles and gloves surrounded by glass beakers and tubes, measuring and mixing concoctions like a mad scientist. Made me smile.

    • Ha! This one is too complicated and gotta stir every day and pour out every week. Not my kind of chore. More bettah find somebody else to buy it from.

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