Out, out, dang spots!

darkarmspot(Warning!  This product contains mercury.  Aunty did an update on this issue.)

Ever since Aunty turned 50, brown spots started showing up on her face, arms, and legs.  These are sometimes called liver spots.  Whatever they are called, they are unwanted and unsightly, and they started getting bigger and darker on Aunty’s cheeks and arm.  Very visually irritating, you know?

Aunty tried all kinds of products, some expensive, some highly recommended, some experimental.  Laser zapping worked but only if the dermatologist gets every part and dot, and it was very very painful during and after.   Nerium AD seemed to help a little, but not enough to take them away.  The last resort would have been Obaji – which was very very expensive, with mixed reviews from absolutely great to permanent pigment problems if one was not careful to stay out of the sun while it was “raw”.

One day, pal Cookie mentioned Lee Sueoka, her Kauai buddy who always looked perfectly coiffed, dressed, and beautified, and her quest to get rid of her freckles.  Lee discovered a Cambodian Be Be cream that she testified took away her freckles!  The ingredients were simple and natural – Lee said that they were so simple, you could eat it.  AND, it was cheap ($12 on ebay)!

Good old pal Cookie gave Aunty a couple of pink cream jars to try.  After about 2 weeks of applying the Be Be cream, Aunty thought that her spots were fading, and they were!  And they did!

Pictures tell are worth a thousand words, so here are some before and after pictures of Aunty’s age spots over a 5 month period.   The redder pictures were taken indoors in March, and the bottom pictures were taken outdoors in August.

Pretty good results, for an inconspicuous looking pink plastic container of cream, don’tcha think?  Aunty was applying the cream to her spots after her evening bath, and then again in the morning – but actually the instructions say to only apply at night (oops!).

The ingredients in this Be Be Special Cream made in Cambodia are:  milk, honey, saffron, wheat flour, turmeric, avocado, and Vitamins C & E.  It does not contain perfume, is easy to use, and Aunty is eternally grateful to pals Cookie and Lee for the best age spot remover, hands down!

Need more proof?  Remember the picture at the top of the dark round spot on Aunty’s forearm?  Here it is now.  Pretty amazing, huh?!?


The results are great for dark spots BUT I would not recommend this treatment because of its high mercury content. Since I have stopped using it, my brown spots did return. I did a mercury cleanse (chelation therapy) and am learning to live with the fact that I am getting older. One of the benefits of Covid has been the mandatory wearing of masks. These not only cover up my lower face, they also protect my skin from the sun – thus brown spots are not growing or as evident.

16 thoughts on “Out, out, dang spots!

  1. Can this be use entire of my face? I used this entire of my face all night. Then it started to all my pimples and blackheads breakout,,they keep coming out!

  2. I need this!!! I’ve had a spot on my face for years that I’ve been trying to get off. I tried that freezing thing and it made it a little lighter but it’s definitely still there. I can’t believe it’s in Koloa. Jalna and I found so much stuff that we missed cause people told us about it after we got back from out trip 🙁

    • So after you wrote this comment I was niele and had to go check your blog for your face pictures (you da one who takes really good pictures and your hubby mostly looks grumpy and you look so nice and happy, lol) and I see you have one spot below and to the side of your right eye.

      This cream will be like Hallelujah! if you use it every night and put sunscreen on during the day (or wear hats like me). I notice Jalna has really cute freckles – so she shouldn’t use this stuff so she can keep her cute freckles that make her look so cute.

        • That’s funny! 3 bottles should last you a long time. Just put it on the dark spots, not the whole face. After a few weeks, you should see a difference. Take a before picture in the same spot at the same time so you can compare.

          Good luck!!

  3. That is really, really amazing! I’m so impressed. I remember your mentioning it to me. It’s hard to believe that just those ingredients would get rid of liver spots. Wow! You look fabulous!

    • Thanks, Kay! I hope you are getting good results from the expensive product that you got from your doctor. If it doesn’t work, try this stuff. The little pink container lasts me quite a while because I only put it on the dark areas.

        • My girlfriend, Cookie kept giving them to me but I knew she was buying them on Kauai from the Sueoka Store. After the 2nd time, I figured that I would buy it and was looking at places in Downtown Honolulu but not finding it, I ordered it on ebay. The best deal was 3 for $36 with $3 shipping, and even though the seller claimed to be from Hawaii, the package arrived days later from California.

          I still have 2 left, so if you want one, lmk and we can meet up or I can ask Cookie to get one for me for you. For sure she will be in town next Saturday (the 17th) because of the ALS annual walk that she does and ropes us in for because of her husband, Black.

          I was trying to get my eyeliner tattoo person to bring it in. Her shop is in Aiea. I’ll try again next time that I see her. To me, this stuff is so good, I am surprised that it hasn’t become a hot item.

          • Thank you, Honolulu Aunty. I’ll check on ebay and see if I want to get it there. Otherwise, I’ve got a couple of friends from Kauai who do makes trips back home. I can ask them. This is sounding awfully promising.

  4. So I see it even works on your arm. You can use the cream twice a day. The one shown is the evening cream, thus once a day (I mean evening). There is a day cream which has the face of a lady on the lid. Day cream has sunscreen in it.

    I was first introduced to the B B Special Cream by buddy Lee Sueoka. They sell it at none other than Sueoka Store in Koloa Town. Sueoka Store can be credited for the women on Kauai, and now on Oahu for looking spotless. I could not believe it removed Lee’s freckles.

    Thanks for sharing Aunty. One last advice to you… Please don’t try eating it unless you want to be known as the Casper of Kaimuki.

    Your pal,

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