Ross is like dessert

One of the best known discounts to mankind is senior discount Tuesdays at Ross Stores.  Anyone over the age of 55 gets 10% off on all their purchases. (See Aunty’s discount pages for more discounts.)

This past week, Aunty had to kill about an hour of time in Downtown, so I headed over to the Ross Store next to Long’s Drugs near Fort Street Mall.  It seemed almost everything Aunty touched was what Aunty needed or wanted!  Shopper’s delight.  The store was clean, lots of open space, and not at all crowded.

The whipped cream on the jello was a gift card that I had purchased on  Aunty found out about his site from pal JW who commented on one of Aunty’s discount pages.  JW wrote: 

One site that has been good is
Advantages: 1- Great discounts
2- No Fees
3- No expiration date
4- No sales tax
5- Free shipping
6- No age restrictions
Click on “buy gift cards” and all of them appear alphabetically. These cards are like cash so you can take advantage of store sales discounts, along with the card discount. My favorite, using the 20% discounted Ross card on Tuesdays( Senior discount) to get a whopping 30 % off total, along with their normally marked down prices.
This discount card site has been very reliable and fair, so far.

So Aunty’s jello was the senior Tuesday 10% discount, and the whipped cream was the 20% discounted Ross gift card purchased at!  [Note:  the Ross gift cards are now sold for a discount of 13%.  Not as good as before, but still, a savings especially if using them on senior Tuesdays!]

Aunty now has new duds that were inexpensive to begin with, and got cheaper with age and a discount card.  Very sweet, very sweet indeed!

One thought on “Ross is like dessert

  1. Good for you! Sounds like you hit a home run! Shopping is my favorite sport. Hunting down deals takes true expertise, but it’s also lots of fun.

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