Shibaraku deshita, neh? (It has been awhile, hasn’t it?)

from duckling to swan

From duckling…

Aunty has had life on hold for the last few months and Sunday night was a pushing point out of the house since our youngest was crowned a princess in the Cherry Blossom Festival Ball!

It brought back a long ago memory at her preschool graduation ceremony 20 years ago.  Dressed in mini cap and gowns, each graduate had their shining moment on stage at which they shared their life goals as 5 year olds.  Some said they wanted to be doctors, bus drivers, or mommies.

Rosie announced that she was going to be a princess!

Congratulations, Princess Rosie!

court pics

Princess Rosie of the 63rd Cherry Blossom Festival Court, 3rd from right next to Queen Kim


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