Super quick and easy hair coloring trick

Aunty met Pam Chambers at a Patsy Mink Center for Business and Leadership event, the first of 4 Personal Pathways at the Richards Street YWCA.   Pam’s subject was about business etiquette.  It was terrific!  Aunty plans to sign up for at least 2 more in the series, the next one will teach Aunty how to be intriguing…. (auwe, Aunty can’t go – too busy putting in a kitchen.  Maybe Aunty will wear sunglasses during construction – doesn’t that sound intriguing?)

One of the tips that Pam gave was to arrive 30 minutes before an event to network and meet with 1) the most important person in the room, 2) the most intimidating person in the room, and 3) the most interesting (or cutest) person in the room.

After Pam’s excellent presentation ended, Aunty wanted to meet 1) the most important person in the room – Pam Chambers.  It took awhile to get to where she was, and it looked like she was ready to leave, surrounded by her fans and friends.  So Aunty wriggled in and as she ended a story about accepting and enjoying her silver grey hair, Aunty piped in, “Me too!”

One of the woman there pointed out what her hair looks like before she goes to see her hairdresser, the clash of new growth and old color.  Aunty shared her tip about fast color, passed out her business cards, and promised an update on her blog, and here it is.

Aunty fighting grey

It is a pain to color hair roots.  Unfortunately it is a necessary chore because it looks terrible when the white new growth shows in stark contrast to the old colored parts, kinda like a skunk stripe.  About once a month, the tedious task of applying color with gloves, waiting, rinsing, and conditioning would be done.

One day, Aunty started thinking of how to fix her part of white in her sea of dark hair because she had to go out and did not have the time or energy to color her roots.  Aunty went into her craft room and grabbed a stamp pad of brownish copper since it was close to Aunty’s current hair color dye.

With gentle strokes of the pad, being careful not to get the color on skin, grey hair began to disappear like brushstrokes.

It worked!

This is a great temporary fix – not perfect but great for a one night stand when you really need to look like your hair is  one color instead of in need of a trip to L’Oreal.

Tacky with room for improvement

Aunty used ColorBox chalks in the video below.  The shape of the stamp pad is easy to hold and apply with precision.  It wipes/washes out easily with water but feels a bit sticky and tacky with a tendency to rub off so use sparingly and wipe away when you get home to prevent rubbing color where you do not want (i.e. your pillow case).   Do not use permanent ink stamp pads – those are not good on your skin or hair.

Aunty will do a bit more research on other types of stamp inks and types later when time allows a trip to our local Ben Franklin craft store.  If you have success or disaster with other brands, please leave a comment below so others can learn and share.

And now, for the ladies at the YWCA, Here’s Aunty!

10 thoughts on “Super quick and easy hair coloring trick

  1. hey just wondering can you use stamping up color pallets for your hair or do you have to use the color thing your using.

    • You can use whatever stamp pads that are a close match to the color you want. However I would suggest you test out the ink on your hand. Some inks are too sticky. Do not use the permanent inks because they do stain. And if you wear hats, the inks might go on them. They will also wash out when you wash your hair and you need to reapply. I only used this trick when I really needed to cover up the white showing up between colorings but nowadays, I have let my hair grow without coloring at all. Salt and pepper is now the hair color choice for me.

  2. That was funny, indeed! I’ve used a lot of Colorbox chalk inks in my days of card making. Never would I have thought it could be used as a temporary hair color…lol. I got my hair cut short yesterday…the hair stylist asked if I wanted color. I said no…my gray is just on the sides and I rather like it. People don’t believe I am almost 73 years old, so the gray helps to say, “yes I’m really in my 70’s”.

    Wanted you to know I made a simple backpack with some of the fabric you sent. It was a birthday gift for a friend. I saw her today and she loves it. So slowly but surely the fabric is being used…:)

    • I rather like my gray hair too. It is coming in as patches with salt and pepper effects. It gives me a sense of freedom to be and look my age.
      Glad you are using the fabric. I have another box for you. Please continue to share, Mahalo.

  3. How cool! I use Just for Men about once a month because my sweet wife thinks my greying temples belie my youthful appearance and she doesn’t want her Korean girl friends to think she married an old man, although they are all married to old men also! So maybe on the few occasions we go out, I can try something like this on my eyebrows, sideburns and temples instead of the whole head, which is still pretty brown haired. Or maybe not–after all, I’m 77 and loving it!

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