What is YOUR Calling?

Lani KwonAunty went to a HiMa (Hawaii Internet Marketing) meeting this week.  Aunty joined a few months ago – not sure why since Aunty is a non-techie, non geekie, non-social media type – but the folks that run it are super nice and they always have pizza and water, and interesting subject matter.

The recent meeting was about finding our life’s purpose.  What a big topic – but, what the hey, if anything, there would be pizza, right?

The guest speaker was Lani Kwon, a life coach, mother, speaker, and transformer.  After a few minutes of intro, tidbits and pleasant stories, the nitty gritty happened when we started filling out some worksheets.

The first question was, “What would you do if anything were possible?”  Sounds simple enough, but take a few minutes and ask that question of yourself.  Anything.  Nothing holding you back, the sky and beyond, no limits.  You have a free pass to life’s candy store.

We were then walked through a series of questions about what holds us back, what keeps us stuck, what we need, visualization, solutions, action planning.  The last step of the night was signing a contract with ourselves.  A very simple contract.  Commitment.

W.H. Murray wrote about commitment in “The Story of Everest”.  The moment one defiantly commits oneself, then providence moves too.  It is very powerful.

The next step

One’s life purpose(s) can seem very selfish because it is personally fulfilling.  However, there is nothing wrong with figuring out what we want and then getting it, unless it is harmful to others.

Perhaps it is time for Aunty to finish up tidying, turn off Korean dramas, put away excuses, and dive in and commit to her life purposes.

Lani Kwon has tickled the tiger (actually, Aunty is a dragon).  Awakening the dragon, hmmm.  To quote German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

Please sit down and take some time to figure out your life purpose.  Please share, if you are willing.


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