What would you do for GOOD health?

Good friend Starley Barley sent me this video on Dr. Terry Wahl and our eating habits.

Aunty is a takeout and convenience queen when it comes to feeding the family.  We look like the “typical” family’s weekly diet on the video.  Sad thing is that I always knew it wasn’t the best way to eat.

Please take some time to learn about health and nutrition from a woman doctor who left the brink of disability to good functioning health (thanks Starles!):

3 thoughts on “What would you do for GOOD health?

  1. Hi Aunty,

    I found your website last year when I was just thinking about becoming a Nerium brand partner. I followed your suggestion about forming an LLC. I am so glad I found your site. I am currently a Nerium brand partner.

    However, over the holidays, my brother introduced me to a product that I would like very much for you to take a look at. I have never been so excited about any company or product. The company is called uTHRiv, and its main product is +5, a 2 oz. bottle of pure health! I have become a brand partner http://www.uthriv.com/Joyco.

    I know I should be able to spout off more. All I can say is please take a look for yourself when you get an opportunity.

    Thanks again for helping me to lay a proper business foundation. I truly appreciate you.

    Joy! Janice Harper
    540 760-6993
    Fredericksburg, VA

    • Aloha Janice,

      Glad you found some useful information and hope that you are doing well with your marketing businesses. I still like the overall business and opportunities in Nerium but am now a one bottle orderer, probably forever. Many of my brand partners have stopped and I have a few customers that continue to buy. $80 plus tax and shipping is rather steep but the product is quite nice, imo.

      I checked out uThriv, it looks interesting and if it helps people get well, then I say, good for them! The ingredients sound pretty good and the pricing is reasonable. I like that it is based in Georgia and not Utah. If I were looking to get into another network marketing product I might find out more about this company but I am at a stage in life where I want life to be as simple and easy as possible. No new projects, no aggressive marketing, no meetings. Sounds boring but I am finally playing catch up with our house and yard.

      Good luck to you and your businesses. One entity strategy that I did use (and still use) when I was both a Nerium and LifeVantage distributor was to form a C corporation that acted like the manager of the LLCs as well as any other business ventures I was in. A C Corp can be one of the best ways to carry forward losses while charging fees to the LLCs that can be written off. The beauty of it is that the directors (you) can control how much income comes in and start up costs for the corporation can include the purchase of office furniture, computer, phones, etc. Your family members can become directors and their expenses can be reimbursed.

      It took me awhile to finally wrap my head around the C corp but once I got used to it, it is one of the best tax saving strategies around. That, and using Quickbooks, which took me forever to learn but it makes record keeping and reports super easy. Nowadays, I look forward to seeing my CPA at tax time because I print out profit and loss reports by year with a click of my mouse.

      All the best to you, mahalo for stopping in to say hi!


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