Several posts ago I wrote about a statement I came across by Shelly Wilson. “I am a spiritual being having a human life experience.”
It is a really really hard concept to get because it feels like I am a human being that has spiritual insights, rather than vice versa. And being human really limits what I can do. It also boggles my mind and would take the biggest leap of faith to live as if I were a spiritual being and observe my human behavior and quirks as an experience rather than reality.
However, my friends and family know that I am weird and I subscribe to all kinds of financial, self improvement, health and well being sites. Some very conventional and useful, i.e. cooking with Nagi from, some controversial, many blog sites of friends and friends of friends. Some are naturopathic, some are strange.
Today, I got an email from Nick Polizzi of Sacred Science about a video series called Inner Alchemy. As a teaser, we get 3 parts for free. The 1st part was the question, “Who Am I?” It is a short 7 minute video with Nick talking about that query. The assignment is to take a few minutes and write down our own answers.
I liked the exercise. Maybe you will too. And that’s my post for today.
Well, if you are weird, then I am weird, too. Haha. Hey, enjoy life the way you want to enjoy life.
Hi Honolulu Aunty,
I see your Caricature on these T shirts.
(I’m a fellow reader of Jalna’s Blog)
Thanks, Izsmom! I thought of tshirts at one time but not anymore. I ordered some marketing merchandise from one of those printing places and they let me have sample products such as my picture on a bag, etc. My Seattle daughter liked it but I thought it too weird, having my face on a bag. When my little grandson baby went to visit them last month, he saw the bag hanging and got all excited, pointing and saying “Baba! Baba!” He’s so cute.
You are an adventurer, an appreciator of the innovations of others, and an appraiser who considers their value before sharing these ideas with your readers.
Aww, Tutu. You are always so kind.
I am truly glad to have you as a virtual friend and wish we could meet up for a cup of coffee! I’ll go check out that site.
It inspired me to write out who I am. Not sure how I feel about the other 2 parts.
Maybe when this Covid madness is behind us and I go for a leisurely visit to Seattle, or you come to visit us here in Hawaii, we can have that coffee, for sure!
Your website looks so beautiful. Love the pictures!
Thank you, Alinna!
You are an explorer, unafraid of new territory.
Thanks, Jalna. I get afraid and I mostly stay at home. I like being a hermit but when I do go out, I go all out.
You are not weird at all! You are definitely talented, financially akamai, kind, generous, artistic, and creative.
Who am I? I think I’m someone different to all the people in my life depending on what they want of me.
Hi Kay,
You are the most wonderful mother, daughter, wife, and friend. And believe me, I am weird.