Wisdom from a man who changes names

Mark Ford (fka Michael Masterson) is a wonderful writer who might have a shady past, or not.  I don’t know and I really don’t care because his articles are usually excellent.  His latest one is about fear.

I do think fear holds us back in order to keep us safe.  However, many times it holds us back from going forward.

Aunty invests.  Is it scary?  You betcha.  But I would do it again and again because it is what will bring us wealth in the long term and when Uncle and I are old(er) and grey(er) we will look back and pat ourselves on the back.

Anywho, here is “Making Friends with Your Financial Fears.”  Read, enjoy, conquer.

2 thoughts on “Wisdom from a man who changes names

  1. Mahalo for a great article Aunty!

    For what it’s worth, I don’t think Mark (Michael?) 🙂 is too shady– on the contrary, he seems like he’s got his head squarely on his shoulders and the businesses that I know that he’s been involved in (Early to Rise, Palm Beach Letter) are businesses that honestly try to help people by providing sound and reasonable advice (and not hype-y marketing or “just take your subscribers’ money no matter what!”).

    I love what he says about fear– my thoughts exactly! 🙂

    Thanks so much,

    • KFG, I defer to your expertise on Mark/Michael Ford/Masterson – and must agree that he does give excellent advice – and isn’t always asking for money the way many of the other newsletter gurus do.

      I subscribe (paid subscriptions) to several newsletters, and his is one of the best. Your KungFuFinance.com website is also one of the best, it is awesome – and free!

      Mahalo for dropping in!


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